Chapter 26.

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   The next day my work was still closed so I sat around trying to figure out how to bring Shmi to Coruscant. A ship to Tatooine and back wasn't exactly cheap.

    I hadn't heard from the Jedi about anything and I was anxious. I always felt so excited whenever I got to do anything with them. The feeling was surreal.

    I was just sitting around when the doorbell and the phone rang. I wasn't sure which one to go to.

   I ran to the phone and quickly answered. It was Obi wan.

   "Forgive me if I'm interrupting anything, but the Jedi Council would like you to come to the Temple as soon as you are able to. I've already sent my Padawan to pick you up." Obi wan explained.

   "Of course! I'll get ready immediately." I told him trying to hide my excitement.

   The call ended and I ran to the door quickly after hearing the doorbell ring again.

   I opened the door to find Anakin Skywalker. "Anakin," I said in surprise. He got here very quickly.

   "I just got off of a call with Obi Wan. He said you were on your way. You're very fast." I laughed.

    "Sorry. If you need a moment I can wait." Anakin said as he noticed I was still in my nightclothes because I wasn't planning on going anywhere today.

   "Oh! Thank you! I'll be just a moment." I said as I let him wait in the living room. I quickly walked to my bedroom, cheeks reddening.

    I quickly got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth. I realised I was spending way longer than I should have staring at my reflection in the mirror, wondering if I looked good.

    I went back into the living room and saw Anakin fiddling with my disentanglement puzzle.

    "Wow, good job!" I told him in surprise as he figured out how to take it apart. "I haven't been able to figure that out for months."

    "It's very interesting." he admitted. "You ready?"

    I nodded and unplugged Artoo from his power cable that was charging him, then we were off.

    "So, anything happen in the past couple of days?" I asked trying to make conversation in the awkward silence that appeared since we got into the speeder.

   "There has been a lot of discussion about Count Dooku. That is most likely what they'll talk to you about when you go to the council meeting." Anakin told me.

   "Don't tell anyone I told you, but I think they're wanting you for some sort of mission." Anakin eyed me carefully, while also watching the busy skies of Coruscant.

    A mission? With the Jedi? This was like a dream come true! I tried to hide my excitement but probably failed.

   "A mission?"

   "Don't get your hopes up. I'm not entirely sure, but I overheard them say your name, and then something about a mission." he told me.

    I nodded and looked out of the window at the busy city and when I looked back I saw Anakin looking at me.

   "What?" I asked him staring to feel self-conscious.

   "Hmm? I didn't say anything." he said.

   "Yeah, but you were looking at me strangely." I told him.

   He just shrugged and looked ahead.

   I wasn't sure what to think of Anakin Skywalker. Actually I was trying not to think of him. I quickly looked away and tried to think of anything else.

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