Chapter 23.

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     I followed Anakin to the hangar where he picked out a yellow speeder. I noticed the color and remembered that he used a yellow starfighter in the Clone Wars, and also used a yellow speeder in the Attack of the Clones movie.

    "Do you like the color yellow?" I asked.

   He looked at me slightly confused. "I guess so. Why do you ask?"

   "No reason. Actually my favorite color is yellow. I always thought it looked sunny and happy. I never liked wearing the color though." I admitted.

    He looked at me and smiled. "I guess I don't think of colors that much." Anakin said. "Well obviously. You have more important things to think about." I laugh. "I guess." He shrugged.

"How have you been Anakin? I haven't seen you in ages." I said.

    "I've been training hard, hoping to become the great Jedi you think of me." He said solemnly.

     I placed a hand on his shoulder in reassurance. "Oh Ani, you are a great Jedi. Just be yourself. That's all I want." I said before realising how weird that sounded.

    I looked out the window blushing. "I mean it doesn't matter what I want. Be who you are. Be courageous, bold, daring, or whatever." I said.

    Anakin chuckled and looked at me in amusement.

   I laughed apologetically. "Sorry, I don't know what I'm talking about."

"How have you been?" Anakin asked changing the subject.

    I then told him about what I'd mostly been doing the past six years.

    "So you're not with anyone?" He asked.

    "What do you mean? Like a boyfriend or something? No I'm not with anyone other than Artoo. I've been alone most of my life." I say quietly.

    "Who wouldn't want to be with you? You're kind, beautiful, intelligent and brave." Anakin said.

    He sounded so sincere it started to bring tears to my eyes. Someone thought I was beautiful? Intelligent? Kind? Brave? I could've melted with happiness.

   "Any man would be honored- blessed to have you; and if he didn't feel that way he doesn't deserve to have you. You belong with someone who would do anything for you. Who would die for you without any thought of his own life." Anakin finished.

I sat speechless. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said about me. I didn't know what to say to it though. It was a few minutes before I was able to speak again.

"That was - I'm so- I don't know what to say. I don't think anyone would die for me. And if he did love me that much, I wouldn't deserve him. I'm not beautiful or intelligent or anything like that. I'm really not that special."

   I insisted. "I don't believe that, and neither does Artoo." Anakin said looking at the droid.

    Artoo beeped in agreement. "You are very special, and I am honored to even know you." Anakin said solemnly.

    Padmé was so lucky to have this guy love her. If he wasn't a Jedi, I would fall into his arms. Too bad there were no other guys like him. I guess I was just out of luck.

    "You're very sweet Anakin. I guess I'm just not looking for anyone though. I'm happy with just me and Artoo. I don't need anyone else." I said.

We landed by one of the damaged buildings and got out.

   "So what exactly are we looking for?" I asked Anakin.

   "Clues or something I guess." He replied.
    "What kind of clues? Weren't the buildings bombed by ships?" I asked. I guess I didn't really understand what we were doing.

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