Chapter 20.

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    Six years later...

    I had just put away the dishes from dinner when it was time for Elin' Yar to leave. I was not too interested in relationships since I wasn't planning spending the rest of my life in this galaxy, but I sort of started to like a man named Elin' Yar. He had a little sister at the daycare I worked at.

    He had dark hair, a handsome face, and was very charming. I had usually stayed away from boys, but he was hard to ignore. I had never had a boyfriend before, but maybe he'd be the first.

    I walked with him to the door. He gave me a perfect smile, bowed and kissed my hand. I blushed. "Thank you for the wonderful dinner." He said. He paused for a moment, then his head slowly moved closer to mine.  Was he going to kiss me? This would be my first kiss. Am I ready for this? Do I really even like him?
     Our lips almost met when the doorbell buzzed. I quickly moved away from Elin' Yar and opened the door blushing madly.

    Outside waiting was Lentira. Her smile fell when she saw Elin' Yar. "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company." Said the Twi'lek apologetically. "No, it's okay he was just leaving. Goodbye Elin' Yar." I said awkwardly.
     Elin' Yar left with a nod and Lentira ran inside my apartment. "Sorry I interrupted you, but tell me all about it! Do you like him?" Lentira asked excitedly.

    Lentira had been trying to pair me up with people for years, but I had always refused every one.

    "Nothing interesting. We just had dinner, that's all." I told her, not mentioning that he had been about to kiss me before she came. So much for my first kiss. Twenty four years old and I've never had any relationship or anything. Not that I wanted one. I was perfectly fine with being alone, but sometimes I felt as if something was missing.

    Lentira sighed. "You're hopeless." She said. I just shrugged. "You'll tell me if anything happens right?" She asked getting up to leave. "Sure." I said flatly.

    When she left I threw myself on the couch. "Peace at last." I cried. Artoo wheeled over to me and beeped worriedly. "No Artoo, I'm fine. I'm just tired." I yawned.

    The next day I went to work as usual. I stopped by Mandro to say hi. He had become a father figure in my life. After I finished a quick breakfast with him I rushed over to the daycare.

    It was about midday and everything was going normal until- Boom! - a loud explosion filled everyone with terror. I ran to the window and looked around, but I couldn't see anything. Too many buildings were in the way. Soon we heard another boom, and another.
     All of the children started screaming and crying. I did my best to calm them as fear gripped my own heart.
    "What's happening? Can anyone find out what's going on?" I shouted at the other employees. "They aren't saying much, but apparently some ships are bombing the city." Relina said worriedly looking at the news on a hologram. "Everyone must move down to the lower levels." I demanded rounding up the children.

     "Everyone hold hands and follow me." I told them. We went down as quickly as possible.

     Son we couldn't hear any explosions but we were going to wait until it was safe. We waited for what seemed like hours. Finally someone came down and told us it was safe to go back up. We all cautiously made or way up again, all of us still terrified.

     Soon all of the parents came rushing in for their children, overjoyed that they were still safe. After everyone was gone I was free to go.

     I wanted to know what had happened. I drove my speeder around and saw that several buildings were damaged. I saw a crowd of people down on a street, so I landed hoping someone could tell me something.

     I pushed through the crowd and found police droids were pushing everyone away from a heavily damaged building.

    "What's going on?" I asked the police. "Please stand back." The droid demanded pushing me. I looked desperately past his shoulder and saw a familiar face studying the broken building.

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