Chapter 21.

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"Obi Wan!" I called.

He glanced over at me and nodded at the police who then let me pass. I ran over to him.

"Obi Wan, what's going on?" I asked.

"No one is quite sure yet. Some strange ships came into Coruscant and started bombing random towers. We do not know who is behind the attack as of now. Republic ships are chasing them as we know it." Obi Wan told me.

    "Why are there so many people crowded around this building?" I asked.

The building started to light on fire, and Obi Wan covered me protectively as debris started falling. We quickly moved back. "

   Some people are trapped in there. I sent my padawan Anakin in there to see if he could find out where they are located. I have to stay outside and warn if the building is going to collapse. We hardly have time to call for more help." Obi Wan explained.

    "Here, you go inside and help Anakin. You give me your comlink and I'll let you know if the tower looks as though it will fall. Hurry we don't have much time." I told him.

    He agreed and gave me his comlink then ran inside the building in search for Anakin.

It was a few minutes until the comlink beeped. I answered it. "We located the people. They are trapped on one of the upper floors. There is no way in or out. It might take some time to free them." Obi Wan's voice was heard. "Hurry Obi Wan. The building looks like it could fall any second!" I spoke into the comlink.

A couple of minutes later the top floors burst into flames and the tower started to shake a little. I cried out in worry. "Obi Wan are you alright?" I said into the comlink shaking. "We're fine. Almost through." Obi Wan answered.

Chunks of the building started falling down. I started yelling at the large crowd to move back so that they wouldn't get hurt.

"Obi Wan the building is falling down! You have to get out now!" I said urgently. "We're through. All we have to do is get-" Obi Wan's voice was cut.
The top few floors of the tower collapsed. "Obi Wan? Obi Wan!" I yelled into the comlink. There was no answer. I stared in horror at the building, fearing the worst. "Please let them be okay." I prayed.

Time seemed to stop as I watched the building start to fall. I started to cry. There was little hope that they survived. The police were pushing everyone back.

Suddenly I could make out some figures coming out of the doors of the tower. They were all covered in soot and their clothes were smoking. I could finally recognize Obi Wan at the back of the large group, pushing everyone out.

The building fell down on itself sending smoke and debris everywhere. Ships carrying water started spraying the building quickly.
I ran to Obi Wan and hugged him tightly. "Oh you're alright! I was so scared. Your comlink wasn't answering." I said. "Well a large chunk of the ceiling came down and knocked it out of my hands before crushing it. We barely made it out of there alive- and with all of the trapped people. I just hope that there weren't any others trapped inside that we didn't know of." Obi Wan said worriedly.

   "I'm sure everyone made it out safely because of you." I said.

"So master Obi Wan gets all of the praise?" Came a voice from behind me.

   "Ani!" I spun around and hugged him.

    It took me a moment to process him. He now had to be almost twenty years old and he looked exactly like he did in the 'Attack of the Clones' movie. He was a lot taller than when I had last seen him, six years ago. He almost towered over me. Anakin was covered in soot and his robes were scorched in several places, and as much as I hated to admit, he was hot- and not just because he came out of a burning building. I blushed.

"The praise was meant for the both of you. You two are very courageous." I told them, honored to know them personally.

Soon the group of people started cheering for the Jedi. Obi Wan turned to me. "We must be going now to investigate the other bombing sites. I am glad to have seen you again. It has been quite a long time."

    I agreed and said goodbye.

I went back to my apartment to clean myself up. I was covered in ashes from the building. Almost immediately after I finished I received a call from the temple.

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