Chapter 79.

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I woke up to someone pressing a cold towel to my forehead.

"Obi Wan? What happened?" I asked as I tried to sit up. I realized I was in the infirmary.

"You got overwhelmed and fell." Obi Wan explained.

"I need to find Anakin, we have to prove Ahsoka's innocence!" I said beginning to stand up.

Obi Wan gently pushed me down. "Take it easy. Ivy, when the medical droid examined you, it found something that might attribute to you passing out. You need to take it easy." Obi Wan said slowly.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked nervously. "What did they find?" I started to shake. "Am I dying?"

"No. Ivy, you're pregnant." Obi Wan said.

I was glad to already be laying down in a bed because I think I would have fallen again.

"What?" I said in disbelief.

"You're with child."

"No. No that- that can't be." I said. My mind was whirring. Nothing made sense. Everything made sense. I had been feeling moody and tired lately and unwell. I thought I was just nervous about Anakin. Oh God, Anakin! Ahsoka! I needed to help them.

"Are you okay? I can tell this is a surprise." Obi Wan said.

"Obi Wan, please I beg you to keep this a secret for now. No one needs to know. Right now the focus should be on Ahsoka." I said trying to sit up again.

"Ivy, you know you can talk to me anytime." Obi Wan said. I looked at him. He knew. He definitely knew Anakin was the father.

"I promise I will. After we save Ahsoka." I said. "Do you know where Barriss Offee's room is?" I asked.

Obi Wan and I ran through the temple towards the chambers. We heard the sound of fighting coming from one of the rooms. Obi Wan ignited his lightsaber and opened the door. Anakin and Barriss were fighting. I realized that in the show Barriss had Ventress' lightsabers. Ventress was still Dooku's apprentice though, so how would we find the information we needed if Ventress wasn't involved. Barriss wouldn't be fighting Anakin if she was innocent.

"Tell the truth!" Anakin sneered as he pinned her down. Obi Wan pointed he m his lightsaber at her as well.

"Fine. I admit it. I framed Ahsoka Tano!" Barriss spat angrily.

"Ahsoka trusted you, and you betrayed her!" Anakin said.

"I've learned that trust is overrated. The only thing the Jedi Council believes in is violence." Barriss sneered.

Obi Wan called for the Jedi Sentinel who took Barriss away.

"We need to talk to the council now." Anakin said angrily and trudged past me and Obi Wan.

Obi Wan and I looked at each other worriedly before following Anakin.

"She was innocent this whole time and you all didn't believe her!" Anakin yelled at the council.

I flinched. I knew he was angry and rightfully so, but yelling at the council wasn't a good idea.

"Skywalker, all signs pointed to her. We did what we thought was right." Mace Windu said coldly.

"What you thought was right?! You imprisoned an innocent little girl! You expelled her from the order!" Anakin shouted.

"There is no use in arguing about this now. We will get Barriss' full confession and free Ahsoka of all charges." Mace Windu said.

Anakin shook his head and stormed out of the council chamber. The members looked at each other quietly.

"Bad, this is. Go talk to Barriss, we must." Yoda said and the others nodded.

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