Chapter 59.

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We made it to where the Chancellor was having his party.

Anakin helped me out of the speeder and tucked my hand into his arm.

"My lady." he whispered and brushed his lips against my ear.

Shivers crawled up my body and I squeezed his arm.

Anakin escorted me to where a droid was checking people off of a list.

"Name please?" the droid asked.

"Anakin Skywalker and Ivy-"

"Anakin! I'm so glad you're here!" Pantulla glided towards us gracefully from where she seemed to be waiting.

She was beautiful. Her blonde hair fell down in soft waves and she wore a short, tight red dress that showed off her curves.

"Let them in." she told the droid and he stepped aside letting us enter a large room.

Pantulla took Anakin's other arm and we walked inside.

"So, Anakin- can I call you Anakin? Or would you prefer me to call you master Skywalker or General Skywalker?" Pantulla asked hugging his arm tightly.

"Whichever you prefer. I don't mind." Anakin said politely.

"I like Anakin. It sounds more personal and we're friends now. So, Anakin, I've been looking into you and I've found that you are pretty much undefeated in your battles. Very impressive." she purred.

"I have a very good team with me. I definitely couldn't do it alone." Anakin explained.

"Modest too." she smiled. "You know, some places are starting to call you The Hero with No Fear. What do you think of that?"

"Hero with no fear? I'm not sure if that's the most accurate name." Anakin laughed lightly.

"Surely a Jedi such as yourself can't have much to fear?" Pantulla said.

"Jedi can still get scared sometimes." Anakin admitted.

"I just love how open and honest you are. You're not afraid to say how you truly feel. There's nothing more manly than that." Pantulla flitted her eyelashes and gave him a dazzling smile.

Anakin smiled back politely but shot me a confused look. I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable with Pantulla. Here she was, beautiful and kind and flirting with my husband and I couldn't do or say anything about it.

"Ah Master Skywalker, I have to say I do believe that you have two of the prettiest girls in the galaxy on your arms." Chancellor Sargull came over to us and smiled brightly.

"I do believe you're right, Chancellor Sargull." Anakin agreed and handed his daughter over to him.

"My dear Ivy you are absolutely stunning." Chancellor Sargull said addressing me.

I curtsied. "Thank you Chancellor. This is a lovely place." I gestured to the room.

It was a large open area with tall ceilings. The walls were painted with beautiful nature scenes from the chancellor's home planet of Corellia. Many servant droids wandered around offering drinks to the many guests that had arrived.

"Thank you, I'm glad you were able to come." Chancellor Sargull said. "I hope you don't mind if I borrow your partner. I would like to speak with him about some things."

"Of course." I said and let go of Anakin's arm. As soon as I let go I felt cold but shook off the feeling as I watched the two men walk away.

I turned to Pantulla but she had already moved on to someone else as well.

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