Chapter 13.

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    I dreamt I was in this large forest. I was running away from someone, but I wasn't sure who.
     Suddenly I ran to the edge of a cliff which led into a wide ravine. I looked around desperately, hearing the enemy move closer.
     Suddenly I felt myself floating in the air to the top of the trees.     
     Someone grabbed my arms and sat me on a branch. It was Anakin. He looked how he was in Revenge of the Sith.

    "Are you okay?" He whispered.

    I nodded. "They almost had you this time." Anakin said worriedly as he hugged me tightly.

   "It's okay. I'm okay thanks to you." I answered breathlessly.

     Anakin kissed the top of my head. "Come on. We must go. They might find us here." He told me.
The scene changed, and Anakin and I were walking into some sort of hidden camp. Obi Wan and Shmi greeted us.
Obi Wan crossed his arms. "Did you get what we needed?" He asked. Anakin held out a little chip. "Right here, but we lost two soldiers trying to get it, almost three." Anakin said grimly. "Well now that we have this, hopefully there won't be any more deaths." Obi Wan said taking the chip.
Suddenly Captain Rex ran over to us. "General, I've spotted some troops coming a little too near our camp." He warned. "How many?" Anakin demanded. "50 at least that I see." "I can take care of them." Anakin said starting off in the direction Rex was pointing.
"Anakin, do not let them find out about our base!" Obi called to Anakin urgently. "Be careful!" I added. Anakin turned and gave a nod, before running out of view.
The dream changed and we were being surrounded by AT-AT walkers. They aimed their guns at us and then I woke up. It was morning already.
I rubbed my eyes and recalled the dream I just had. I shivered at how real it seemed, and how close to death I was. I wondered if someday life would really be like that. Probably not.
I sat up and yawned. Artoo whistled and informed me that there were no intruders last night. I laughed and thanked him for making sure of it.
I had just finished getting ready when I heard the doorbell. I went to the door and opened it cautiously. Mandro Kanton stood outside. I smiled and let him in.
"Are you ready for your first lesson in flying?" Mandro asked cheerfully. I shrugged. "As ready as I'll ever be." "Oh, I brought you something to eat. I got to thinking last night they we had forgotten to get some food. I hope you weren't starving last night." Mandro said. "Thank you, and no. Fortunately a girl next door invited me over and gave me something to eat." I said.
Mandro handed me a bag. It smelled so good. "I already ate, so it's all for you if you want it." He told me. I thanked him and took out a bun from the bag. I took a bite. It was as good as eating a cinnamon roll back on earth.
I quickly finished and Artoo and I followed Mandro to the parking hangar. He led us to an old XJ-6, a speeder not unlike the one Anakin used in 'Attack of the Clones' when he was chasing the bounty hunter Zam Wesell.
I smiled nervously when Mandro helped me in. Artoo got himself into the droid cockpit and Mandro sat in the pilot seat.
Soon Mandro was telling me all about what each button did and the steering, and all kinds of stuff. It was a lot to remember, but Mandro told me if I learned to fly this, I could pretty much fly any speeder.
He let me take the steering handles. I nervously accepted when we were in an empty area. I slowly started driving, or flying, whatever you wanna call it. Mandro told me everything I needed to do.
I slowly got the hang of it, but was no where near ready when we stopped for the day. Mandro drove us somewhere to get some lunch, and afterwards I picked up some groceries for myself.
He then dropped me off at my apartment. I thanked him and he asked what a good time would be to pick me up again tomorrow for some more lessons. I told him the same time as this morning would be fine. We said goodbye and he left.
"Well Artoo, what do we do now? It's only late afternoon." I said looking at the clock. Time was very similar here to earth. The only difference was the symbols, but Shmi had taught me to read basic Aurebesh a long time ago.
I walked to my window and looked out. I hoped to someday have a balcony like Padmé's. Padmé was like my idol. I admired her and everything she did so much. I wanted to be just like her. Look like her, dress like her, act like her. I sighed.
I realised that I had the Japor Snippet that Anakin had made. Padmé was the one who was supposed to have it. I also had Artoo, which was also supposed to belong to her. I thought about the star wars movies. I always felt very nervous and sick when I thought about what would happen. I couldn't let that future happen, but I felt so scared whenever anything changed, because then I had no idea what the future would be.
The doorbell rang and Lentira could be heard over the intercom. "Hello? Is anyone home?" Came her high pitched voice. I opened the door and in came the blue Twi'lek.
"Guess what? You've been hired at the daycare!" Lentira squealed excitedly. I looked at her in confusion. "What? Don't I have to have an interview or something?" I asked.
"Well yeah I guess, but you'll probably get the job anyways. My friends and I spoke very highly of you." "That's very kind of you, but you don't know me. What if I don't do very good?" I said. "You look like you could get any job done. We want to be your friend. I'm sure you'll do great." Lentira said lightly putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Thanks. I guess we'll find out whether I'm qualified to work there or not." I said. "That's great. I'll talk to them about your interview. What would be a good time for you?" Lentira asked. "Um any day after tomorrow pretty much." I said. "Perfect! Do you need a ride?" Lentira asked.
"I work there every day and it would be no bother to take you." "Thank you. If it's no bother to you I'd really appreciate it." I said. "No problem at all! Well I gotta go. In having dinner with some friends. You're more than welcome to come along." Lentira offered.
"Thanks but I'm not too comfortable with going out places." I said. "Well how are you supposed to become comfortable if you never go anywhere? Come on. You need to get out into the real world. Maybe you'll find a cute boy you like." Lentira said with a grin. "Thanks but boys are the last thing on my mind right now. I'm sorry, maybe some other time. It's only my second day in Coruscant." I said. "It's okay. I understand. Sorry, I know sometimes I come across as pushy, but I'm just trying to be nice." Lentira apologized.
"It's okay. Thank you for being so kind and considerate. It's nice having a friend already." I said kindly. She gave me a big smile and left.

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