Chapter 30.

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I awoke the next morning and saw Anakin already ready and sitting on the couch.

"Good morning." he said and smiled at me.

"Good morning. How did you sleep? This thing was killing me." I groaned and tried to stretch in my massive robes.

"I wasn't very comfortable." Anakin admitted but looked around nervously.

I forgot that we were probably being watched.

I climbed out of my bed and walked over to a vanity with a mirror. My paint was still on but needed a little touch up. I decided to just redo the whole thing.

I found a water basin and started scrubbing my face clean.

"What do you suppose we do all day? Just wait here until we are called?" I asked in an accent.

"I'm not sure." Anakin replied. He was picking at a throw pillow in boredom.

I applied the paint back on my face and sat down next to him. "I guess we should figure out what to tell Dooku." I whispered.

"Well obviously we aren't joining his cause."

"I know that. But there has to be reasons why. We can't just say no. Also, we don't know what might happen if we do decline. What if he gets upset and decides to kill us? Or go after the innocent planet that we're supposedly from? No, we have to think this through." I tell him.

"Fine, we ask why he's deciding to leave the Republic, and why he decided to attack Coruscant. If he's just starting out, why attack the capital of the Republic? He can't have enough allies yet to fight against us, can he?" Anakin asked.

"I guess we'll find out. Perhaps we can also tell him that we just don't want to be committed to any side yet, but that we're leaning towards the side of the Separatists. That will spare the planet Buas some time."

"That sounds like a good idea. I hate waiting for something to happen. I wish we were done with this. I'm not good at just sitting around." Anakin shifted uncomfortably and I laughed.

"I know. Hopefully this won't take long. I wonder how many of us he'll see in a day? I can't even believe I'm here. This place makes me nervous." I say.

"This planet was in your story wasn't it? What happened?" Anakin asked.

"Well, basically what's happening now, with Count Dooku. Obi Wan came here after following Jango Fett, the man who gave his DNA to the clone army. He found out Dooku's plan but got captured. You came here to rescue him but also got captured in the process. There was an arena with some crazy monster things. You were almost defeated when you were saved by the Clone army and the Jedi." I say quietly.

"Did we defeat Dooku?" Anakin asked.

"No. You followed him with Obi Wan but unfortunately he was too strong for the both of you. He even managed to get away from Master Yoda." I told him.

"I find that hard to believe." Anakin scoffed and I just shrugged.

"I just remembered something. The geonosians were creating something. Something horrible. We have to make sure those plans are destroyed if they even exist." I say urgently.

"What plans? What are you talking about?"

"The death star. It's a space station with the ability to destroy planets. It needs to be destroyed. I don't want it in anyone's possession." I tell him nervously.

"Not even the Republic?"

"No. No one needs that kind of power. If the wrong person were to get those plans, it could be disastrous. Hopefully it was just a Palpatine thing though and they haven't created anything. We need to get ahold of Obi Wan though. We need to make sure about those plans." I say getting up to find my comlink that was hidden in one of my boxes.

"Wait, we're not supposed to contact him unless absolutely necessary." Anakin grabbed my arm to pull me back.

"This is necessary. This is important." I tell him trying to continue.

"You said so yourself that it might not even exist." Anakin argued.

"We can't take that risk. This is very important Anakin." I say angrily and louder than I meant.

Anakin shot me a warning look. I realized I just said his real name, and loudly. I prayed there was no listening.

"We don't need to contact Obi Wan. Let me go and find it." Anakin offered.

I scoffed. "Don't be ridiculous. If you get caught? We're screwed."

"Excuse me? You don't think I can get it?" Anakin looked offended and there was a hurt in his eyes.

"Not that I don't think you can get it, but we're not going to risk it. I'm not trying to be selfish here, but if you're caught, that puts me in danger and I am not that good at fighting or thinking on the spot. We have a different mission, this would be something Obi Wan can do." I explain quietly.

"Fine." Anakin said angrily and trudged off to his room.

I rolled my eyes. I understood that what we were doing wasn't exactly fun or exciting, but there are moments when you have to do what you have to do. Anakin needed to realize that.

I found my comlink and subtly tucked it in my sleeves. I pretended to yawn and climb back into the bed. When I was mostly covered up by the blankets I used the comlink.

"Obi Wan? Are you there?" I asked quietly.

"Ivy? What's wrong?" Obi Wan sounded panicked.

"Nothing, but I just remembered something. In the story the geonosians made some blueprints of a space station about the size of a small moon with enough firepower to blow up a planet. I'm not sure if it was ever made, but if it was we need to take them and destroy it." I told him.

"Plans of a space station?" Obi Wan asked.

"Yes, it's extremely important. It's called the death star if that helps. I'm sorry I had to contact you, but it's that important. Please do your best to find it." I say before switching off the comlink.

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