Chapter 11.

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    There was a knock on the door. I looked at Artoo worriedly. I slowly got up and walked over to the door.

   "Who's there?" I asked, trying to sound as normal as possible on the intercom.

    "Hello! My name is Lentira. I live in the apartment next to yours. I just wanted to meet you and say hello if you aren't busy?" Said the girl on the intercom.

    I looked at Artoo skeptically and he told me to be careful. I nodded and opened the door a little bit. The girl on the other side was a friendly-looking Twi'lek. She smiled brightly when she saw me, and I smiled back.
   "Hello! May I come in?" The cheerful Twi'lek asked.

   I slowly opened the door. "Um, okay."

   "I understand you're new and probably afraid, but don't worry about me. I wouldn't hurt a space slug." Lentira said kindly as she walked in.
    "Ooh cool droid!" She exclaimed when she saw Artoo and patted him on the head.

    The Twi'lek examined the room closely. "Wow, so this is what this room looks like. The layout is very similar to mine, but my room is decorated much differently. The last person who lived here was a grumpy old Mandalorian. He hated it when I threw parties in my apartment. You don't mind parties do you?" Lentira asked. I shrugged. This girl seemed pretty friendly, and I was beginning to like her.
   "So, I'm Lentira. What's your name?" "Um, I'm Ivy." "Ooh that's a pretty name! Anyways, I came over to say hello, and also I wanted to invite you to my party tonight! I understand completely if you're uncomfortable or busy, but I can introduce you to some other people that live here and I will have some food and drinks set up if you're hungry. I know you're probably tired, but I wanted to offer just in case." The Twi'lek girl said happily. Was this girl always so energetic and cheerful?
    "Thank you, but I'll have to think about it." I told her. She smiled kindly. "That's alright! If you change your mind my apartment is right next to yours on the left! You unfortunately will probably hear it. I apologise in advance." Lentira said sheepishly. "I'll have to meet you again. You seem nice!" Lentira said as she was leaving. I smiled and said goodbye.
    After she had left I realised that i hadn't eaten in a long time and didn't have any food in the house. I could smell something good cooking next door.
    "Well Artoo, what should we do?" I asked him.  My stomach grumbled and Artoo whistled. "Okay, but you have to stay by my side the entire time, and protect me if needed." I told him. He beeped in annoyance as if to say "Of course I'll protect you. You think I wouldn't?" I laughed and kissed the top of his head. "I love you Artoo. What would I do without you?"

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