Chapter 62.

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I woke up later than usual and hurried to get ready. I wanted to know if Anakin was already being sent out on another mission.

I sped over to the Jedi Temple hoping I didn't miss him.

My heart relaxed and I couldn't help but smile as I saw who was waiting for me at the Jedi hangar.

"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up." Anakin joked, arms crossed. Ahsoka was at his side looking at him in surprise.

"I had a late night." I said shrugging.

"Excuses." Anakin shook his head and laughed.

"I can see you two know each other pretty well." Ahsoka said looking between us.

"A little." I said with a smirk.

"We spent almost half of a year together. I'd say we're pretty good friends." Anakin smiled at me.

"Hmm. How was the party last night? I obviously heard about what you did- rescuing the chancellor's daughter." Ahsoka said to me.

"It was nice. I'm not a big party person but I enjoyed it for the most part. I'm not a big fan of the Chancellor himself," I said quietly. "But I will admit that he can throw a nice party."

"Eh, there were a few guests there that seemed to rub me the wrong way. The Chancellor himself seemed much nicer than some of them, including his daughter." Anakin added uncomfortably.

"You would like the Chancellor wouldn't you?" I sighed and shook my head.

"What's wrong with the Chancellor? If he was elected by the Republic he couldn't be all that bad." Ahsoka said and we began to walk down the temple halls.

"I'm sure he's not all bad, but I think he's corrupt. Some of the bigger systems and federations want to continue this war because it benefits them. More people are buying from them or moving there for refuge and being forced to pay to stay. Unfortunately they're Sargull's biggest supporters. He doesn't want to lose their support by trying to find a peaceful way to end this war. Sargull, like anyone in a position of power, doesn't want to lose what powers he has. How will he have all of those lavish dinner parties or have respect from the people once he's no longer Chancellor? His motives are purely selfish. Instead of doing what's actually best for the Republic, he does what his supporters want so that he can stay in office." I said angrily. I had done my research on Sargull and was not impressed.

"Is there even a way to peacefully end this war?" Ahsoka seemed as if she didn't believe that were possible.

"I believe so. I've been talking with Senator Amidala and we're trying to come up with ways to somehow get in touch with some of the Separatists that used to be a part of the Republic. We want to understand why they left. We know it's pretty hopeless trying to negotiate with Dooku, but maybe we can get through to enough of his followers." I said.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Ahsoka said in surprise.

"I think you're wasting your time. Talking isn't going to get you anywhere. It's also going to make the Republic look weak." Anakin said and I turned to look at him.

"How is talking to someone a sign of weakness? I think it's the opposite. It's a sign of strength knowing that you could draw this out into a lengthy war, but you're actually trying to help. We're losing people on both sides. They're dealing with loss too." I said angrily.

"What, droids? Besides, their loss is their own fault. If they hadn't decided to leave the Republic-"

"Some of them thought they were doing the best thing for their system! They aren't free of danger even if they are a part of the Republic. I guarantee that most are just worried and believing in promises that Dooku has made them. Does that make them bad? Is that cause to go to war with them?" I asked Anakin.

I hated getting into politics with my husband. It was the biggest thing we disagreed on. It was so frustrating how blind he was to the bigger picture.

"They made their choice to go to war when they joined up with Dooku." Anakin said darkly.

I glared at him but said nothing, not wanting to further the argument, especially not in front of Ahsoka.

"I can see what you're saying Ivy, but I have to agree with my master. They knew what they were getting themselves into when they joined the Separatists. They're still attacking us, and innocent Republic systems. Maybe you're right in the case that there are a few that maybe don't necessarily want to fight, but that doesn't mean that every separatist system that was once Republic is like that. Some do want to destroy the Republic." Ahsoka said slowly.

"Of course. There are many who do have a hatred for the Republic, but what I want to know is why some of them left, and what we can do to stop it, and hopefully help. I don't want people to lose faith in the Republic, and even though some things aren't really our fault, a lot of people have lost their faith. They're scared. They don't want to be on the losing side." I said.

"Maybe they should try and help the Republic more?" Ahsoka shrugged.

"Some can't. They're doing all they can, but they're dealing with droids coming into their planets and destroying their way of life. They're sending as much money as they can to help fund the army to protect them, but then starve because they have no money to buy food or supplies. When everything seems helpless and the Republic can't help you other than send a couple battalions of troops to defend your planet, but then Dooku is offering you peace and food for your people, it would be hard to say no." I tried to explain and Ahsoka listened quietly.

"I guess I understand." she finally said.

"Ivy, can you stop filling my padawan's head with nonsense?" Anakin complained.

"Nonsense? Just because you are so prejudiced against the Separatists, doesn't mean what I'm saying is nonsense! Maybe if you would actually listen you could learn something." I snapped at him.

"Woah, I can see you two really don't agree on politics." Ahsoka held out her hands and backed away from us.

"Anakin is very one-sided on his way of thinking. He doesn't seem to understand that you get the best picture by looking at it from all sides." I said crossing my arms in annoyance.

"Ivy here is a separatist sympathizer. Which is crazy to think of because she works with the Jedi who are the defenders of the Republic! It's she that needs to figure out what side she's on." Anakin said angrily.

"You know I'm on the Republic's side! You know what I'm trying to do Anakin! I'm trying to end this war the best way I can think of so that it doesn't end up like the story!" I explained.

"How do you even know that's the best way if it never happened? You said Palpatine was behind the whole war but he's dead, so you have no clue what's even going on. You're just making this stuff up to try and seem like you know what you're doing." Anakin said and I stared at him in shock.

"Oh, so that's what you think? Good to know. I'm sorry Ahsoka, it was nice seeing you again, but I have to go." I nodded to Ahsoka and left without another word.

I quickly ran through the hallways not wanting Anakin to come after me or find me.

I found a random empty room and went inside to hide and cry.

How could he be so perfect most times but then make me wonder why I ever wanted to be with him other times? Last night we couldn't keep our hands off of each other and couldn't get close enough, but now I wanted to be on a whole different planet than him. I knew I was being childish, but it stung that he would say that about me. Did he really think I was just making stuff up? I just wanted to help.

I heard the door open and cursed, hoping it wasn't Anakin. He was the last person I wanted to see right now.

"Ivy, what's wrong?" a familiar voice asked and I sighed in relief.

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