Chapter 24.

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    "So where are we headed to now?" I asked Anakin as the speeder we were in zoomed past the tall buildings of Coruscant.

    "We're going to the Temple. I don't want to put your life in any more danger." Anakin said grimly.

   I looked at him confused. "What? No! I want to help the Jedi. I'll be fine. I doubt that what happened will happen again. Besides, I have you and Artoo if anything does. If I go back, Yoda will think I'm incapable of doing anything. I want to see some action and work with the Jedi. Please Ani." I pleaded.

   Anakin looked at me unsurely, and sighed. "Fine, but we're being extra careful this time." he told me.

    We landed at another building, and went inside. With Anakin constantly warning me to be careful, we searched around. I saw something that really surprised me. "Anakin look!" I pointed at an object ten feet away from us. "It's another battle droid head. This one doesn't have a body either. I don't get it. In both of these buildings we've searched so far, we've found a droid head. What do they mean? The last one was a bomb, I wouldn't be surprised if this one was too." I said. "It is strange, but most likely not a coincidence. Don't touch it." Anakin warned me. I rolled my eyes and punched his arm lightly. He smirked.

    We looked around the room for awhile more, being careful not to get close to the bomb. "I think that the Seperatists are behind this attack. It has to be count Dooku. Seperatist ships and battle droids? I mean come on. It's pretty obvious. I only wonder what the Republic is going to do. I was sure none of this would happen with Palpatine gone, but I guess I was wrong." I said worriedly.

    I thought about the Clone Wars series and the Attack of Clones movie. We might want to check up on Padmé, she might be in danger. Shmi! Better keep an eye on her too. I looked at Anakin. He was examining everything very closely. I had to make sure nothing happened to Shmi. I had kept in touch with her all these years, but what if the Tusken Raiders get her? I couldn't bear the thought of that.

    Once we were finished with that building, we moved onto the others. We found a few more battle droid heads, and then we went back to the Temple.

    We went to Yoda and informed him of our discoveries. He looked deeply troubled. "Master Yoda, I'm almost positive now that Count Dooku was behind this attack." I told him. He shook his head. "Keeping an eye on Dooku, we have. For him to behind this, impossible." Yoda told me. "If Dooku isn't behind this, who is? Those ships were owned by Tyranus. It just had to be him." I said. I was positive it was Dooku. There was no other explanation.

     I was overwhelmed with fear and excitement. I was here, seeing all of this happen. I felt like I was in a book, or movie. If I hadn't been living in this galaxy for almost ten years, I wouldn't have thought it possible. I might be living through the Clone Wars. I must keep an eye on Anakin. Nothing must tempt him towards the dark side.

     "Discuss this at the council room, we will. Expect to see you there, I do." Yoda said. I curtsied and followed him.

   When we got there we had a very, very long discussion, but in the end they believed me and decided to go and talk to Dooku. They then would report to the Republic what they found out. The Jedi assured me they'd keep in touch with me, but told me I was free to leave. I thanked them and left the council room.

    I ran into Obi Wan and Anakin on my way back to my speeder. They said a quick hello and goodbye as I stopped shortly to talk to them. I wasn't too sure how similar things were going to be to the star wars movies, but I at least wanted someone to know about the possible attempts on Padmé's life.

    "Master Obi Wan, I'm not sure how deeply this would affect the Jedi, but it would affect the Republic. Senator Padmé Amidala's life might be in danger. Nute Gunray, viceroy of the trade federation, was working for Dooku and wants revenge on Padmé for what happened on Naboo ten years ago. I'm not entirely sure if it's going to happen like the movie, but just in case. I wanted to tell someone." I said. I looked at Anakin carefully to see his reaction about Padmé. He looked a little worried and distressed, but not the way I thought he would. I was expecting him to be very alarmed and beg to save her, but overall he seemed calm. 

     "Thank you for informing us. We'll make sure to look in on it." Obi Wan said bowing. I curtsied and started to walk off.

       I realised I was still covered in dust. I blushed thinking about how I had gone for hours looking like this in front of the Jedi council. Anakin hardly looked any better, I noted looking back.

     I found Anakin watching me as I was walking away. I started to feel very awkward so I quickly found my speeder and went home.

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