Chapter 18.

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      It was a couple more months until I heard some great news.
    Yoda and Mace Windu called me for another meeting. They told me they finally had enough evidence and proof that senator Palpatine was indeed the Sith Lord they were looking for.
    I warned them about Palpatine's powers, and that it would be extremely difficult to defeat him. The Jedi assured they would take extreme caution. Palpatine could not get away. The Jedi told me that they would report to me if they had any new news. I wished them luck and went back to my room and Obi Wan followed.
     "Are you going with them to try and take down Palpatine?" I asked him worriedly. "I don't know. Master Yoda and master Windu haven't given anyone instructions yet." Obi Wan said. "If you do go, please be careful. I don't think you realize just how powerful he actually is." I warned. "I promise if I do go I'll be on my guard." Obi Wan assured me.
    "Obi Wan?" "Hmm?" "In the story, Anakin is the one who kills Palpatine and brings balance to the Force. If he doesn't kill him, does that mean that he won't be the chosen one? Or do you think there might be another Sith Lord someday?" I asked. "I don't know any of the answers. All we can do is wait and see what time reveals." Obi Wan told me.

   A few days later Obi Wan told me that the Jedi were on their way to get Palpatine and that he was going with them. I hugged him and reminded him to be careful. Obi Wan told me I could come out of my room, but I was forbidden to leave the temple. He told me he was going to bring Anakin to watch over me just in case anything happened.
    Obi Wan left and Anakin arrived minutes later. He looked at me in surprise. "Wow, you really are here! I thought master Kenobi was just saying that to distract me. What are you doing here?" Anakin asked. I told him how I was helping the Jedi for the past few months and that they thought I would be safest here. "Wait, so you've been here for three months?" Anakin asked in shock. "More or less." I shrugged. "How come Obi Wan never mentioned anything to me?" "Anakin, I asked to speak with only Obi Wan, Yoda and Mace Windu. They didn't tell the other Jedi what was even going on until recently. Don't blame Obi Wan, he could be in great danger right now. I can only pray that all the Jedi come back alive."  I said quietly.
    Anakin paced around anxiously. "I should be fighting with them." He said. "Ani, you're only thirteen." I told him. "I'm as powerful as any of the other Jedi there." He insisted. "Anakin you are powerful, but the other Jedi have had years of training. You'd be no match for a Sith Lord. Besides, if you did go with them, what if you got hurt or killed? You could've grown into an amazing Jedi." I told him. "I've never done anything exciting before, how am I supposed to prove myself if I never do anything?" Anakin said angrily. "You'll see plenty of action in your life, and you'll get to prove yourself, but in the meantime you should just be patient." I told him. He nodded glumly.
    "How have you been since the last time I saw you?" Anakin asked me. "Well, I've been okay. I've been pretty bored these past couple of months, but I've been fine and healthy. I had found a job at a daycare before I came here. I've been learning how to fly ships and speeders and stuff. A pilot named Mandro is teaching me. He's not the best pilot in the galaxy like you, but he's been a good teacher." I said.
     Anakin gave a small smirk.  "I'm not the best pilot in the galaxy." "Well I think you are", or will be." I said.
     "If you know about the future, do you know what I look like?" Anakin asked.
      I tried not to blush as I imagined Anakin when he was twenty and twenty three. I used to have a huge fictional crush on Anakin Skywalker when I was younger. Now talking to him at eighteen and him being thirteen, it was a bit embarrassing knowing that he turned out to be a real hottie.
     "Well you get taller, but don't you wanna see for yourself as time passes?" I asked. "I guess."
      "I still find it very cool that you can see into the future." Anakin told me. "Actually I don't know what the future will be like now. I have already altered so much of the story that the future now can't possibly be the same. I just pray everything will turn out okay." I say.

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