Chapter 4.

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     For a few months, nothing really happened. I helped Shmi around her house, and tried not to be a bother.
    I was beginning to think that maybe Qui Gon wasn't coming. What was I going to do? I couldn't live on Tatooine with Anakin and Shmi forever.

     One day I was sweeping the floor and picking up around the house waiting for Anakin to return home, when I finally heard his familiar voice call out. "I'm home!"

    I walked over to the entry way and my heart stopped for a few seconds.

    In the doorway were some very familiar looking people.

   "Hello." I said quickly with excitement and nervousness brimming inside of me.

    "Hello I'm Qui Gon Jinn. Anakin here was kind enough to offer us shelter from the storm." Qui Gon said, coming over to me and shaking my hand.

    This was incredible. Qui Gon Jinn was my favorite Star Wars character, and here I was, meeting him in the flesh.

    "I'm Ivy." I mumbled, trying to stay calm.

     I looked at Anakin, he was smiling at me. He knew for sure I was telling the truth now.

    "This is Padme, and Jar Jar Binks." Qui Gon introduced his companions.

     I smiled and nodded at them, then I saw R2. He was definitely one of my favorite characters as well. I couldn't help myself. I walked over to the little droid and knelt down beside him.

     "Hi little guy." I smiled at him/it/whatever.

    "That's R2-D2." Qui Gon told me before Shmi walked in to see her many new visitors.

    Qui Gon introduced himself again, and Shmi looked at me in amazement. I could tell she didn't doubt me anymore either.

    Anakin walked over to Padme and took her hand. "Come on, I wanna show you this protocol droid that I've been building." He said guiding her to his room.

    With his other hand he pulled my arm as well. Padme looked at me and smiled. I realized that she was around my age right now. It was so cool to see my favorite movie come to life. Meeting all these characters was a dream.
    In Anakin's room he showed Padme C3-PO and talked about how he built him. Artoo came in soon after. I patted his head.

     "How are ya R2?" I said softly.

    He beeped something I obviously didn't understand, so I just smiled.

     "You helped build him?" Padme asked about 3po.

    I shook my head. "Hardly. I basically just passed Anakin whatever tool he needed. He's a very talented boy." I said, smiling at him. He beamed back at me.

    We all soon had dinner, and the conversation went a lot like how it had in the movie. I stayed quiet the whole time until the end. When Anakin offered to podrace to help them, Shmi looked at me, silently asking what to do. I gave her a reassuring smile.

    "Honestly I think that's a great idea. Anakin is an amazing pilot, and I'm sure he will be able to help you." I said confidently.

    That night I was in a wreck. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell Qui Gon everything, but would he believe me? He'd think I was insane. I'd have to tell him about things that had already happened that no one could know, but I barely knew anything about what happened before this time.

    I finally, boldly went up to him after he was done secretly taking Anakin's blood for the midichlorian test. Before he called Obi Wan I came out and sat next to him.

    "Master Qui Gon, may I speak with you?" I asked hesitantly.

   He looked at me gently. "Of course. What's troubling you?"

     "I'm not exactly sure how to say this, but I knew you were coming. I know about the Queen, Obi Wan, Captain Panaka. You see... You are all characters in a story where I'm from."

   "I'm not from Tatooine, I'm not even from this galaxy. I'm from a place called Earth. Back home you all are just made up characters, but apparently you're real, and that might mean your story is real too, and that is not very good. I know this sounds insane, but the Jedi are in danger. You have to believe me. I know things that no one else knows here because of the movie. Ask Shmi or Anakin, they'll tell you I'm telling the truth. I knew you'd come. You were on your way to Naboo, trying to negotiate with the Trade Federation. They put poison gas in your room when you were with Obi wan. You realized they were obviously trying to kill you. You escaped onto the battle droid ship things, and before you did that Obi Wan said. 'You were right about one thing master. The negotiations were short.' Or something like that. You made it onto the planet where you ran into Jar Jar Binks who owes you a life debt because you saved his life. He took you to the hidden Gungan city where you met Boss Nass and he gave you some sort of water ship, which was the fastest one they had. As you were going through the core of the planet trying to get to Theed, a giant fish attacked you, but then another fish attacked that one and you said 'there's always a bigger fish.' Later when you had rescued Quuen Amidala your ship got damaged and R2-D2 fixed it but was unable to fix the hyperdrive, and that's why you're here. Before I came in you were going to call Obi Wan and ask what Anakin's midichlorian count was from the blood you had taken from his scrape. Anakin's midichlorian count is off the chart, over 20,000, higher than Master Yoda's." I said quickly. Qui Gon stared at me with absolute shock. It took him a few moments to speak. He then contacted Obi Wan and asked him to check Anakin's midichlorian count and when Obi Wan answered similarly to me, Qui Gon looked at me in wonder. "This is incredible. How can you know all of this? How is this possible?" "Master Qui Gon I've told you the absolute truth. This is all just a story where I'm from. I still can hardly believe all of this is even happening."

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