Chapter 25.

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It took about an hour in the shower trying to get all the pieces of wall and ceiling out if my hair. After my shower I headed to bed.

    As I nestled in the covers of my bed, I thought about my action-packed day. I remembered when Anakin had jumped from the building with me in his arms. That was one of the scariest moments of my life. I recalled looking into his eyes as he held me tightly. His voice was calm and smooth- relaxing me.

I remembered what he had said about me before:

"You are beautiful, kind, intelligent and brave. Any man would be honored to have you. You are very special, and I'm honored to even know you."

His words replayed in my head over and over again. What if he liked me? I would probably give in, in two seconds.

I shook my head at that thought. Stop it, Ivy. He is a Jedi, and very dangerous.

Anakin already liked Padmé- I'm going to see what I can do to stop that relationship from happening. As much as I love Luke and Leia, I don't want a Darth Vader.

Even if I did like Anakin- which I don't- I don't know the first thing about liking a guy. Plus, Anakin was way out of my league, and he was a Jedi. Jedi cannot have relationships or form attachments. He is a Jedi. He is a Jedi.

I made up my mind. I would never think of me possibly liking Anakin, or him liking me. I was acting stupid. I immediately put him out of my mind, and thought of something else.

The next day work was canceled until further notice.

I made a very long-distance hologram-call to Tatooine- to talk to Shmi Skywalker. Owen Lars answered the call. He had grown up quite a bit since I'd last seen him, and like every other character, he looked just like Owen Lars in the 'Attack of the Clones' movie.

We talked for a little while- catching up- and then Shmi walked in. Owen said goodbye and left. Shmi had a big smile on her face, and it made me so happy to see her- yet so sad that I couldn't be there with her, or her with me.

"Hello, Ivy. How are you?" Shmi asked happily- her figure wavered in the hologram.

"I'm great! How are you?" I asked.

"Very busy. We've been working very hard lately, and there have been rumours of sandpeople camping nearby." Shmi said a little worriedly.

Fear gripped my heart.

"Shmi, I'm worried about you. It's not safe there. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you. Come to Coruscant. You can stay with me and-"

"Ivy, you know I can't go. My place is here with Cliegg and Owen. I can't leave them." Shmi interrupted me.

"They can come too. Please, please, Shmi! You have to leave before it's too late!" I pleaded to the hologram.

"Before it's too late? What does that mean?" Shmi asked fearfully.

I hesitated. I couldn't just tell her that she died in the movie- around this time.

"Please, Shmi. Come to Coruscant for just a couple of months- I beg you!" I cried.

"I'll send a ship, and I'll send a droid to help Cliegg in your absence." I offered.

Shmi shook her head sadly.

"Ivy, I can't leave. They need me here. I can't just leave them." Shmi explained.

"Let me talk to Cliegg, please. Please, Shmi, I need to talk to him!" I insisted.

Shmi looked reluctant, but nonetheless went to get her husband. I hoped he would listen.

    Cliegg Lars and I had never been very close. I got on his nerves sometimes.

   He came into the screen and asked me what I wanted.

   "Cliegg, please listen to me. I fear Shmi's life may be in danger. The Tusken Raiders are dangerous, as you know, and I'm afraid for Shmi. What if she gets captured? Tortured? I know it sounds terrible, but I know what I'm talking about. I want Shmi to come to Coruscant for awhile- until I feel it's safe for her to go back. I'll send a ship to pick her up and I'll send a droid or two to help while she's away. Please, Shmi's like a mother to me and I can't lose her. Cliegg, you have to trust me." I begged.

    He looked at me for a long time. I waited patiently, praying he would let her come.

    Cliegg finally heaved a great sigh. "I trust you, Ivy. You're a strange girl, but I trust you. Shmi can go, but I want her back as soon as this Tusken Raider nonsense is over." He told me

    I nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, yes of course." I said quietly. "I'll send the ship as soon as possible."

   The call ended and I danced around the room. Shmi was coming! I hoped I was saving her from the Sandpeople, and I hoped Cliegg and Owen would be alright.

   I started cleaning my apartment for when Shmi would come. I made a list of things I needed to get for her arrival. I also needed to find someone to go get her.

    While I was busy cleaning, I got a call from Elin'yar.

   "Hello?" I answered.

   "Hey Ivy, you okay? I have been trying to contact you. I thought you might've been hurt from the attacks." He said worriedly.

   "No, I'm fine. I just haven't received any of your calls, or maybe I have. I've been really busy lately, and I have a lot of things on my mind." I explained apologetically.

   "Oh, well do you have any plans this Benduday? I was hoping we might see each other again." He said hopefully.

   "I'm very sorry, Elin'yar, but I'm expecting someone to come and stay with me for awhile. I need to get things ready for her, and I'm afraid I'm going to be pretty busy for awhile." I grimaced. I really liked him, but I just didn't have the time.

   "Ah, okay. Let me know if you find any time though." He said with a hint of disappointment in his tone.

   "Of course." I replied. There was no way I could go on a date right now. There was so much going on right now, and I didn't need any distractions. I did feel bad though.

   "I hope to see you soon." Elin'yar said.

   "I hope so too." I smiled.

   I ended the call and took a deep breath. What was I doing again?

   I cleaned up Artoo and spent some time with him. He had been very angry with himself since he wasn't there to protect me when I was in trouble.

  I assured him it was okay and I still considered him to be my protector. I loved the little droid. I considered him family. He was about the only family I had here.

   I resumed cleaning and pretty soon it was ready for Shmi.

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