Chapter 16.

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    "You will be safe here for the time being. We apologise for the sudden change of things, but we expect you'll understand." Mace Windu said.

    I nodded solemnly. "Of course."
      "Talk to you later, we will. A few more questions, we have." Said Yoda.

     "Any service I can be. I'll be glad to help." I replied.
    The wise Jedi nodded their heads in thanks.
    "Obi Wan will show you to where you'll be staying for the time being." Mace Windu told me.

     He and Yoda walked off and Obi Wan guided me to my room.
    "Masters Windu and Yoda would like to discuss some more things with you in awhile. I'll be back shortly to take you to them." Obi Wan said.

    He gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back. He bowed and exited the room.
      Once Artoo and I were alone, I gave a tiny silent squeal. "Oh my gosh Artoo! Can you believe it? We're staying at the Jedi temple! This is like the coolest thing that's ever happened to me!" I whispered excitedly. "I only wish it was under better circumstances."
     I had always wanted to see what the Jedi's rooms looked like. I had barely seen small glimpses of it in the animated 'Clone wars' series.
    There wasn't much to see unfortunately. It was a small room, empty besides a small cot, a desk and a tiny closet. I was way too excited to care about it's size.
     I quickly unpacked my things. I was very nervous. I didn't know what questions they had in store for me. I wanted to help the Jedi in any way I could. I still didn't even know if they even trusted me yet. They might even think I'm crazy.
    Obi Wan hadn't been that friendly to me since after I told them about Palpatine. I wondered if he would ever forgive me for Qui Gon's death. He didn't seem like one to hold a grudge, but he was still young. Probably twenty-eight or twenty-nine. Qui Gon's death was only a few years ago, and I honestly wouldn't blame him if he hated me.
     I still regret practically sending Qui Gon Jinn to his death. I could have saved him.
    Tears started to prick my eyes. I quickly brushed them away. I prayed everything was going to be alright.
   "I'm sorry Qui Gon. If you can hear me, I'm so, so sorry." I whispered. Artoo beeped sadly and bumped my leg. I patted the top of his head.
    I soon finished my unpacking and Obi Wan came to escort me to the secret room where I was to talk with the Jedi.
     My heart was beating rapidly, but I tried to look as calm as I could.
   We arrived and I silently took a deep breath. I walked into the dark, yet somewhat familiar room. It was the same room as our first discussion.
    I sat down quietly. "Thank you for coming Miss Ivy. We have been discussing your information for quite some time. We're going to investigate Palpatine, but we must do it secretly.
If he found out we were watching him, we could be in big trouble if he reported us. He could make it seem like the Jedi were conspiring against the Republic. Tell us, how come we're the only Jedi you trust? Why don't you trust the others?" Mace asked looking me straight in the eye. "It's not that I don't trust them, I just don't know them. In the story, you three, Qui Gon and Anakin were the only Jedi they really focused on. Ki Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Shaak Ti and maybe Luminara Undili are all others I somewhat know. To be honest I know very little about you and Yoda. All I know is that you are the good guys and I want to help." I said.
   The Jedi looked at eachother in silent conversation.
    "Which Jedi do you know most about? Who was your story about?" Obi Wan asked. "Well, you and Anakin were kind of main characters. I guess I know mostly more about Anakin than any other Jedi though." I said. Obi Wan looked at me carefully.
     "What is Anakin's story about?" Obi Wan asked. "Everything I have told you is part of that story. It just a lot of the time focuses on Anakin and how he grew up to be one of the greatest Jedi ever." I said. "Does he die?" Mace Windu asked. "If we don't stop Palpatine." Was my answer. The Jedi looked at eachother solemnly.
     "A tragedy, this story is?" Yoda asked. "At first, but someone would eventually come and destroy the emperor Palpatine, but to many people will have died before that. I don't want that to happen. That's why I'm telling you everything. I want you to change the way the story goes. If you kill Palpatine, I believe you will have peace. At least for awhile." I said.
     They asked me a few more questions, then finally they concluded.
    As we were about to leave, Mace Windu stopped me. "Your stay here will remain as secret as possible. I hate to say this, but we would appreciate if you stayed in your room the whole time. I don't like keeping things from the other Jedi, but until this crisis is over, no one should suspect anything. We shall discuss everything with Master Mundi and Master Plo. Obi Wan will make sure that you are taken care of." Mace Windu said. I nodded in understanding.
      Obi Wan took me back to my temporary quarters saying he would return later with lunch.
    I sat in my tiny room unsure of what would happen next.

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