Chapter 50.

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I had spent a week going to the Jedi Temple and working there. Some days were slow and I didn't have much to do, but some days the Jedi came in with a ton of questions.

I was adjusting to my new normal. It wasn't bad, it actually made me feel better than I think I would of I hadn't been working for them. Being around the Jedi made me feel closer to Anakin.

I hadn't heard much about him. I hadn't seen him at all. All I knew was that he was facing the Jedi trials. I hoped he was doing well. I knew he was anxious to be a knight.

Soon he would be Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, or General Skywalker. I smiled to myself. That was going to be so sexy.

I went home that night thinking about clones and battles and memorizing battle strategies and trying to be as much as involved as possible.

When I got to my apartment I felt like something was off. It took me a moment to realize Artoo hadn't come out like he usually did. I put my stuff down and hesitantly walked slowly through the room.

"Artoo? Are you here?" I asked nervously. Maybe he was just recharging and didn't notice my arrival?

"Artoo?" My eyes scanned the living room and kitchen looking for anything amiss, but everything seemed to be in order. Where would Artoo be?

I slowly went into my bedroom and turned on the light. On my bed was a small box. Should I open it? Should I run?

I stood there debating for several moments. It didn't look like any sort of bomb or explosive. It was too small and thin. I was still worried about where Artoo was, but I mustered up the courage and went over to the box.

I cautiously picked it up. It didn't even feel like there was anything in there it was so light.

I prayed that I wasn't being an idiot and carefully opened up the box. Inside was a long strand of braided hair. It only took me a second to realize what it was and I gasped. Anakin had done it! He was a Jedi Knight! I laughed and gently touched the braid in the box.

"How does it feel knowing your husband is now a Jedi Knight?" a voice came from behind me.

I spun around quickly, about to scream but then ran into the arms of Anakin.

"I'm so proud of you! How was it?" I asked holding him tightly.

"They were hard but not impossible. You have no idea how good it felt to get that braid severed off." Anakin said proudly looking at his old hair.

"Yes, it's strange seeing you without it, but it looks nice. I can't wait until you grow this hair out." I said running my fingers through his hair.

"Is that what I did?" Anakin asked in amusement.

"Yes, and it's hot." I said and he laughed.

"Well long hair it is then." Anakin smirked and gave me a kiss.

I leaned in and sighed with happiness. I had missed him so much.

"How have you been?" Anakin asked rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

We sat down on the bed and he held me in his arms.

"I'm good. I'm at the temple every day in the situation room. I'm doing my best to try and help you all." I told him and he kissed my head.

"I'm so proud of you too. You're a big help to the Jedi. I'm so glad you came into our lives. Hopefully I'll get to see you now and again inside the temple. We'll most likely have to meet here though." Anakin said.

"Of course. Wait, where's Artoo?" I asked sitting straight up.

"Don't worry. Artoo, you can come out now." Anakin said calling the little droid who came spinning out of my closet.

I laughed and turned to Anakin. "Did you tell him to hide?"

"I wanted this moment alone with you. It means a lot to me. As a Jedi I don't have possessions. This is one of the only things that is actually mine, and I wanted to give it to you." Anakin said picking up the box with his Padawan braid in it.

"Anakin that's so sweet. I'll keep it with my necklace you gave me." I said getting up and going to my drawers where I kept my valuables.

He came over and saw the necklace and smiled. "I'm glad you still have that."

"Why wouldn't I? That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever given me." I said running my fingers down the Japor Snippet.

"I love you." Anakin whispered and kissed my knuckles.

"I love you. I missed you." I admitted to him.

"You have no idea how hard is been for me. Having to focus on the trials when all I can think about is you." Anakin told me.

"I'm sorry. I hope I wasn't too much of a distraction. You made it through so that's good!" I kissed his cheek.

Anakin laughed and we sat down on the bed again.

"I spoke to your mother." I said hesitantly.

"You did?" Anakin asked in surprise.

"Yeah. She's doing great, and staying safe. I also mentioned us..." I said watching his expression.

"You told my mother about you and me? Did you tell her we're married?" Anakin asked.

I nodded.

"What was her reaction?" Anakin was beginning to smile.

"She's happy for us."

Anakin's smile widened and he looked at me lovingly. "Good! I'm glad you told her." Anakin said.

"She misses you." I told him.

"I miss her too. So much." Anakin sighed.

"I'm hoping to visit her soon. Well, once this war ends, which will hopefully be soon." I said.

"I wish I could see her." Anakin said.

There was a pain in his eyes. I knew he had to leave his old life behind more than ten years ago. Most Jedi were taken to be trained very young, before they can even remember anything, but Anakin was much older than the normal youngling when he was discovered. He already had many memories and had a strong relationship with his mother. He had to go through a lot more than any normal Jedi does. He had been a slave most of his life before he was discovered by Qui Gon Jinn.

I thought for a moment. Would it be a bad thing to call her? He wasn't supposed to have attachments for a reason. That's why he hadn't seen her since he left. But he and I were together and that wasn't supposed to happen either.

"What's wrong?" Anakin sensed my uneasiness.

"Nothing. I've just missed you so much. It's hard to believe that you're even here, and now you're a Jedi Knight!" I said. I decided not to call her. Anakin didn't need any more distractions. I hoped that wasn't selfish of me. I just didn't want him to start feeling resentful of the Jedi for keeping him apart from those he loved. He needed to like the Jedi.

"I know, seeing you is so wonderful. I never want to leave." Anakin said kissing my neck.

"Speaking of leaving. How long do you have? Do they know you're gone?" I asked him nervously.

"I told them I'm meditating after the trials. I'll have to be back in a few hours." Anakin told me.

"Shouldn't you be meditating then?" I asked with a smirk.

Anakin got down on his knees in front of me.

"I was hoping to meditate with you in a different way." Anakin said suggestively running his hand up my thigh and kissing me deeply.

*Bonus scene for this chapter in Star Wars: A New Change Bonus Scenes*

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