Chapter 85.

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The war was over. Padme had gotten the Confederacy of Independent systems to sign a peace treaty with the Republic, any many systems just chose to join.

The Jedi publicly replaced the old code to the Order and began to change their old way of thinking.

"I have to say that I'm impressed with you two. Not many could do what you two have done." Obi Wan said with a smile as we were all in the situation room.

Anakin and Obi Wan were trying to come up with a plan to pull forces and stop battles with the Separatists. There was still some fighting going on, but the Clone Wars had officially ended.

"Well, I'm going to give all credit to Ivy. If she hadn't come to this universe, things would have probably turned out very different. We owe all thanks to her." Anakin looked at me lovingly.

"He does have a point." Obi Wan smiled at me. "How are the little ones doing?" he asked glancing at my large belly. There were only a couple of months left until they would be here.

"They're fine. Can't wait to meet their Uncle Obi Wan." I said and Obi Wan smiled.

"Well, for not being a big fan of younglings, how do you feel about have two of your own?" Obi Wan asked.

"Mine will be different." Anakin said proudly.

"If they're anything like you, you're in for a handful. You better hope they take after their mother." Obi Wan smirked.

"Hey! Their mother is pretty feisty herself!" Anakin squeezed my hand.

"So, Obi Wan, now that the Code has changed, have you given any thought to maybe starting your own family?" Anakin asked.

"No. No, I think I'll do better as the fun uncle." Obi Wan said.

"You haven't thought about, maybe Satine?" I asked carefully and Obi Wan's eyes narrowed.

"Satine? How do you know about- No, that time has passed." Obi Wan said quietly.

"Who's Satine?" Anakin asked confused.

"No one. Now I should probably check on the thing I need to check on." Obi Wan said excusing himself.

"Wait, Obi Wan? Who's Satine?" Anakin chased after him and I chuckled to myself.

Things were perfect right now. Anakin and I came to the Temple to work every morning and we left together at night. Shmi would be coming in two months to see her grandbabies. I couldn't believe I found out that we were having twins, although I wasn't too surprised. I thought about names but decided I'd probably keep them as Luke and Leia as remembrance of what could have been.

I was glad things were different though. I couldn't imagine how anything could have worked out better, besides Ahsoka leaving. Anakin had told her about the new changes to the Jedi. She still decided not to come back, but told him that she'd think about it.

The Jedi seemed to forgive and forget my betrayal to their old code, and still continued to treat me as their family, even though I was of pretty much no use. They even offered to try and search the beyond the known galaxy to see if they could find my Earth, now that the war was over and the fighting had ceased. We figured I must have fallen into some type of wormhole that brought me to this universe.

Padme was already being considered as one of the greatest Chancellors of the Republic. She had started seeing someone in her limited spare time. A Baron, Rush Clovis who was helping her solve a problem with the Banking Clan.

Anakin and I had grown even closer the past few months, free from secrecy and lies. I helped him forget about his nightmares and he forgave me for keeping things from him. I knew he was going to be a great father. Probably the best.

Everything in this moment was perfect, and I hoped it would stay that way, long even after I was gone...

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