Chapter 51.

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Anakin had left for his first battle of the clone wars. I couldn't help but feel worried for him, even though I knew he could handle himself out there.

When I was alone in the situation room I would watch how his battle was going. My eyes would scan the blue holograms for things they might not see, or notice. Whenever the enemy would advance I would get too scared and turn it off, not wanting the fear to overwhelm me.

"Ivy, we'd like you to come with us to a Senate meeting. I think it would be good for you to hear the politician's views on this war. Perhaps you will hear something of value." Mace Windu asked of me one day.

"Of course." I bowed. I had never been to the Senate building, let alone listened to their meetings.

Mace Windu, Yoda and I took a transport ship over to the Senate building. I saw it pretty regularly, it was hard to miss because of it's huge size and breathtaking architecture with it's domed top.

I watched as the busy speeders and ships rushed by, only focused on their daily life. How much did this war affect everyone? Was anyone worried?

As we approached the Senate building I took a deep breath to calm myself. I was comforted by the fact that I wasn't alone. I didn't like doing new things on my own, but it wasn't so bad when I had two Jedi Masters at my side.

I was glad I dressed formally today. I always tried to whenever I was at the Jedi Temple but today I was glad I took extra time. My black dress was long and fell straight down. The neckline was almost a kind of turtleneck but a small one. It had no sleeves which I was a little unhappy about because the Senate building was very cold.

I followed the two Jedi through the building and felt a sense of pride to be walking with the Jedi. The passerbys looked at the two Jedi with such respect and awe. It felt good knowing that I was with them.

When we got to our hoverpod Mace Windu gestured at a seat for me to sit down. I did and looked around with interest. The place was gigantic. Thousands of hoverpod lined the walls, all facing a large podium in the middle. The chancellor's podium. I had heard that it retracts straight down into the chancellor's working office.

I turned to look at Yoda and Mace Windu. Yoda was standing on a specially built platform just for his small size. He gave me an encouraging nod when our eyes met.

Soon the meeting began to start. I didn't realize how much they discussed in these meetings. So many senators from so many worlds had so many things to say about everything. There was a main topic that was on everyone's mind though. The war. So many people begged for more supplies, or money or defense. Everywhere Republic systems were being attacked. The horrible thing was, there was little anyone could do.

I was surprised when I heard a familiar name announced. Senator Padme Amidala from Naboo was one of the few who, instead of asking for resources, asked for trying to negotiate with the separatists. She believed that instead of investing more in the war, we should invest in some sort of peace treaty.

I listened intently to her words and admired her courage to speak out against the war even when so many others disagreed.

Unfortunately there weren't enough votes in her favor for the Chancellor to take what she said to heart. I felt angry at the lack of caring Chancellor Sargull seemed to have.

I turned to Mace Windu. "When this is over, do you think we would be able to speak to senator Amidala?" I asked him.

He gave me a nod and we went back to watching.

Once the meeting had ended a guard led us to a room where Senator Amidala was. She looked surprised to see Jedi but her eyes softened when she saw me.

"Ivy? How wonderful to see you again! It's been far too long." Padme said coming over to give me a hug.

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