Chapter 29.

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In four days we were boarding our vessel to head to Geonosis. Extreme nervousness gripped my stomach and I felt sick. I was never really the strong, healthy one. I felt sick a lot but this was something different. I felt like I was going to my doom. Anakin was piloting and I was the only other person on board, besides a hidden Obi Wan, the rest were droids. We went into hyperspace and I clutched Anakin's hand. He looked up at me in surprise.

"I'm scared." I admitted shakily, eyes wide.

He looked at me gently and even with all of the paint on his face, I recognized his eyes. His beautiful, warm, caring, blue eyes.

I couldn't help but tear up. I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't brave. I was a fraud. I shouldn't be here.

Anakin stood up and pulled me into his arms to hug me. "Hey don't do that, you'll ruin your disguise." he said carefully wiping a tear from my cheek. "Don't worry, we'll be fine. I swear I won't let anything happen to you." He said softly.

I hugged him tightly. I was so happy that Anakin was going with me. I couldn't do this without him. Over the past few days I had felt closer to Anakin than anyone I had met in this galaxy, besides probably his mother. Almost too close. If I wasn't careful pretty soon I would have feelings for him. Feelings that I shouldn't, but it was almost impossible not to fall for him. He was every girl's dream, or at least mine. He was handsome, brave, strong and sweet and had a hint of the bad boy that all girls loved. He was amazing, but I couldn't wait until this mission was over so that I wouldn't have to see him and go through this torture.

I wanted him to hold me forever, but I knew better. I gently pushed out of the hug and gave him a fake smile.

"Thank you Ani. I'm going to go fix my face, I'll be right back." I told him and walked away.

I went to the small room in the back of the ship and looked in the mirror.

I stared at the unfamiliar person staring back at me. Who was I? What was I doing here?

I felt nauseous again and closed my eyes, leaning my head against the mirror.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I weakly looked up.

"Obi Wan, I'm sorry. I'm not feeling very good." I muttered and he helped me to the bed.

"I sensed something was bothering you. If you don't think you can do this, it's okay. We can find another way. Let us know before it's too late." Obi Wan said taking one of my hands comfortingly.

"I can't back out. I have to do this. I'm just so scared. I don't have the bravery that the Jedi do. I'm terrified that we're going to get caught. They're going to see through me and I'll endanger the mission. If anything happens, I can't help. I can't help you guys." I said. I was starting to shake as if I was freezing even though I was wearing a dozen layers of clothes.

"That's why we're here, so you don't have to. If anything goes astray, Anakin and I will protect you. Perhaps Anakin wasn't the best choice to play his character, but he'll help guide you along in what to say and do. We have faith in you. You haven't let us down yet." Obi Wan said reassuringly.

"This might be the time I do." I said miserably.

"Ivy, you're focusing on the negative. If you continue doing that, then it will only bring you misery. Nothing has even happened yet. You should worry when you need to. Right now you should focus on what you need to do. All we can do is pray everything goes right. If it doesn't, we'll figure it out as we go, but don't dwell on what hasn't even happened yet." Obi Wan said.

I thought about his words. He was right. Nothing had even happened yet. I was worrying for nothing. I thought about the Revenge of the Sith movie and how Anakin's visions and worry about Padme's death had caused him to join the dark side. I knew I couldn't do anything to that extreme, but Obi Wan had some wisdom to his words.

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