Chapter 22.

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     I answered quickly. I had hardly talked to the Jedi in six years. Matter Yoda appeared on the holoprojector. "Miss Ivy, sorry to bother you, I am. A few questions we have. If you can, come to the Jedi temple, you must. Need your help, we do." He said. "I'll be there shortly master Yoda. I don't know how much help I'll be, but I will be glad to be at your service." I said. Yoda bowed and the call ended.

    "Yes! I get to work with the Jedi again!" I shouted happily to Artoo, who beeped in fake excitement. "Hey, the Jedi are awesome. Who wouldn't want to work with them?" I said as I rushed to leave.
     I ran to my speeder, Artoo following behind. I hardly ever left anywhere without him.

    I quickly docked at the Jedi temple's hangar, and tried to hide my excitement. I felt as if I was in a movie, and the adventure was about to begin.
     I went to the entrance and the guards were notified that I was coming. One of them escorted me to where I was supposed to meet Yoda.

    We came to a room with quite a few Jedi inside, including Obi Wan and Anakin. I walked over to Yoda who was studying something on a screen. "Recognize these ships, do you?" He asked gesturing to the screen.

     I looked carefully at the images. "I'm not sure, but these look a bit like separatist ships." I said finally. "The separatists were the reason for the Clone Wars. The separatists, under the leadership of Count Dooku, went to different systems trying to turn them away from the Republic. Many agreed to join the separatist movement, but those who remained loyal to the Republic were met by war. The Seperatists would try and take over the planet if it wasn't too strong. The Trade Federation was also working for Dooku, and they would stop all business with the planet. Space stations and ships would be stationed around the planet, blocking any entry." I explained the little I really knew about the Seperatists.

     I had watched all six seasons of The Clone Wars when I was younger, but I could hardly remember it anymore.

     Yoda sat deep in thought. Suddenly I heard someone say something about 'Tyranus'. I looked around wildly. "Did someone say something about Tyranus?" I asked loudly to the room. A Jedi stepped forward. "I did. It says here that the ship we find was belonged to someone called 'Tyranus'."

     I turned to Yoda. "Master Yoda, Tyranus is Dooku. Darth Tyranus is his Sith name. I warned you about him a long time ago. They must have been planning this for years. I'm not sure if Dooku has the same plan as Palpatine did, but if I had to guess, he's laying the separatist movement. He plans to break the Republic." I said.

    "In the Clone Wars the Republic fought back with the help of the Clones on Kamino. Perhaps he's trying to complete what his master started. Maybe he wants to control all of the planets and create an empire as Sidious did." I said thinking hard.

     "What would you suggest we do?" Obi Wan asked. "I don't know. If you use the clones on Kamino, all that will do is create fighting everywhere. There is also a chance that they are programmed with an order. Order 66 is to kill all Jedi. However, if you don't use the clones, the separatists have the upper hand and might take over the Republic which would be really bad." I said grimly.

     Had I done nothing to stop the Clone Wars? I had thought Palpatine was the only reason for that. It was his idea wasn't it? Apparently Count Dooku was in on it. Now he was the Sith master. Did he have an apprentice? Was Asajj Ventress on his side? General Grievous?

    "One thing is for sure. We have to find Dooku and his main accomplices. In the Clone Wars he had an apprentice named Asajj Ventress. She used to be one of the night sisters. She was trained by a Jedi though, but he died somehow. Forgive me, but I can't remember what happened. It's been years since I've seen the show, but he died and Dooku found her and trained her I think." I said pacing. The Jedi all stared at me, taking in every word.
     "There is also a cyborg in the Clone Wars who goes by the name of General Grievous. Dooku taught him how to fight with a lightsaber and then Grievous collected them from the Jedi he killed. He is very hard to defeat, as is Ventress." I explained.

     "To the Jedi council and the Republic, talk about this, we must." Yoda said. "Go to the damaged buildings, you can. Find out any more clues, you must. Take Obi Wan's padawan with you." He told me. "Yes Master Yoda." Anakin bowed.

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