Chapter 43.

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I could barely process what was happening. After the night that Anakin had asked to marry me, we told the villagers the next day. I guess that getting married was a big deal in their small village and they called for another celebration.

The whole town helped plan our wedding. Everyone was so nice and they decorated the town with flowers. Not a lot of people got married so when someone did, they wanted it to be special.

The villagers who were good at sewing helped make Anakin and I some new clothes for our wedding.

The dress they made for me was nothing fancy, but far more beautiful than any of the regular dresses. The sleeves were tight and came off the shoulder and the skirt part fell into long folds.

Anakin's suit wasn't what I would have imagined a wedding suit would look like, but it still looked nice. A nice black shirt with black pants.

The closer it got to the day, the more nervous I became. I felt like I was losing my mind. It felt like I wasn't even in my own body anymore. Just a few months ago I was just minding my business living on Coruscant, and now here I was marrying a Jedi pretty much trapped on a small planet.

The day finally arrived and I felt frozen with fear. My body was on autopilot barely even registering what was going on. I remember some girls helping me get ready. They put my hair up in beautiful red flowers. They walked with me to the outskirts of the town where we were having the ceremony. We had decided on a sunset wedding. It was almost time.

It was their custom for the bride to meet with the groom and walk together to the holy man waiting for us.

The whole village was there watching as I came close. When I finally saw Anakin reality came crashing into me and I gasped. I was getting married. I was getting married to this gorgeous man who was waiting for me. Anakin looked at me as if he was at a loss for words. I had never seen such love and devotion in someone's eyes and my heart hammered in my chest as I remembered he loved me.

I gave him a hesitant smile as we met at the end of the aisle. "You ready?" I asked nervously. I noticed I was shaking.

"Always." Anakin said. He bowed and kissed my hand before leading me to the holy man.

Anakin and I faced each other as the man preached. The people of Korith Mazi had a different religion than I did, so it felt strange to be getting married by their customs, but I hardly even listened to what the man was saying. I was lost in my future husband's eyes.

His hands gently squeezed mine as if to remind me that he'd always be there for me. Everything felt so right but so wrong at the same time. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but I knew that I wanted it.

There weren't any 'I do's' but there was a kiss at the end signifying that we were now bonded in matrimony. Anakin kissed me lightly and gentle as the sun went down over the horizon. The people cheered and I couldn't help but laugh as Anakin hugged me tightly. This was crazy, but I was so happy. Happier than I had ever been.

We ate our wedding feast and then we headed back to our hut. Anakin had taken the wall down that had separated the house, and now there was only one bed instead of two. Seeing that made my stomach lurch and I felt nauseous. Technically we were supposed to be on our honeymoon now, but I didn't think I was ready for that.

Anakin stood behind me and kissed my neck as I stood staring at the bed in horror.

"What's wrong?" he asked pausing, sensing my discomfort.

"Uh nothing." I lied, embarrassed and not wanting to talk about it.

"Ivy, talk to me." he turned my body around to face him but I couldn't look him in the eye.

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