Chapter 3.

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He led me through the desert city, pointing out various interesting things that he thought I would like. I looked around Mos Espa, almost enjoying being here. It was amazing! It looked exactly like the movies. We passed various alien species and large weird animals. I wondered how they made all of this, if in fact someone did, or it might possibly be real... No that was impossible. There was no way. A little critter scurried past us, and I turned to Anakin. "How did they make all of this?" I whispered. He looked at me with a confused expression. "What do you mean? The city?" "Everything. The creatures, the buildings. Is this like some sort of Star Wars theme park?" I asked. "What's that?" I looked at him disappointedly. He looked as if he really had no idea what I was talking about. He must be a very good actor, or he seriously had no idea. He gave me strange glances as we continued to his place. He made me feel awkward, like I was crazy or something. We finally made it to his home, and he opened the door, announcing our arrival. I studied the little room we were standing in. Shmi walked into the room and noticed me. My jaw dropped. She too looked just like the character in the movie. How was this possible? The actors were definitely not the same age as they were when the film came out, so it couldn't be them. Did they have younger identical twins or something? I pinched myself. Maybe I was dreaming. This couldn't be happening. I couldn't really be on Tatooine. I started to feel very sick and black spots were appearing in my vision. Before I knew it everything went black. I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. I sat up slowly and looked around. I was still in Anakin Skywalker's house from the looks of the room. I must have fainted. I noticed a figure move on the floor by the foot of the bed I was laying on. "Anakin?" I asked. He looked up in surprise and relief. "Mom she's awake!" he yelled as he stood up and walked over to me. "Are you all right?" he asked with concern. "You fell when we came in." I sat up and rubbed my head. So this wasn't a dream. I doubted this was a theme park. So it has to be real... I looked at Anakin. "Please, I beg you, tell me the truth. Am I really, really on Tatooine?" I asked quietly. I was scared of the answer, but somehow I knew that it must somehow impossibly be true. "Yes you are. What happened to you? Where are you from?" he asked innocently. I took a deep breath. "As you can tell I'm definitely not from around here. I'm from an entire different planet. A different galaxy even. I'm from Earth, and Tatooine isn't supposed to exist." I said, a billion thoughts running through my head. "Then how do you know what Tatooine is? You seem familiar with the name." he said. "Tatooine is a planet from a made up story. You and your mom are characters from that story. How is it possible I am here?" I asked, more to myself than him. "I don't know what you're talking about. What do you mean?" he asked carefully. Just then Shmi walked through the doorway. She gave a small hesitant smile. "Hello, I'm Anakin's mother. Are you all right?" she asked gently. I wasn't sure how to answer her. "Mom she's from a different galaxy. She doesn't know how she got here." Anakin told his mother. She looked at me confused. I decided to tell them everything that happened to me. After I had finished explaining Shmi looked deep in thought. "That is odd, and where you're from you've never heard of Tatooine?" she asked. "Oh I've heard of it alright, but it's not supposed to exist. It's supposed to be made up. This is all just a story." I told her. She didn't understand what I was saying so I took a deep breath. "Back on Earth, my planet, we have this movie, or story if you understand that better. It's about you guys, or at least you are a part of the story. Anakin is actually one of the main characters. Millions of people on Earth know your story, or at least the story that is to come. It  looks like I'm at the beginning. I know this sounds entirely insane, but it's true. I'm not sure how I can prove it to you. Have you met Qui-Gon yet?" I asked. The Skywalkers looked at eachother. "No..." Anakin said slowly. "Who's that?" "Um... Anakin, how old are you? Standard years?" I asked quickly. He looked at his mom unsurely before answering. "9?" "9! Okay! If the movie, or story, is happening soon you'll meet a very tall human man, a human girl, a clumsy gungan, and an astromech droid that's blue and white. They will arrive in Watto's shop looking for parts for a Nubian ship or something, but they will leave without buying anything. These people are important characters in the story. In the story you find them again after they had left Watto's and a storm is about to come. You offer them shelter at your place for awhile until the storm is over." I said as the mother and son stared at me. "That's the only way I can really prove I know this story. I don't know exactly when they will come, but they should. The man's name is Qui Gon Jinn, the girl Padme, the Gungan JarJar Binks, and the astromech is R2-D2. If they do come make sure you don't give away that you know them or things might turn out very differently. Things already might be different, since I'm not supposed to be in the story and you guys aren't supposed to know the information I just gave you." It was a lot to take in for them. It was a lot to take in for me. We just stared at eachother for some time before Anakin spoke up. "I trust you. I believe you're telling the truth." he said. Shmi looked at him in surprise. "Anakin this is unbelievable. How can this be?" she asked. He shrugged. "I know it sounds crazy, but I feel somehow that she is telling the truth. I believe her." Shmi looked between us both. She trusted her son and eventually sighed. "Very well. If Anakin believes you so do I." she told me. I smiled in relief. 

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