Chapter 65.

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We were guided to a small room with just enough chairs for everyone to have one gathered around a round table.

The king sat down and clapped his knees. "Now, what is it you wish to ask?" he asked kindly.

Everyone looked at me and I gulped unprepared. "I guess the first and main question; Why did you leave the Republic?" I asked and King Randu smiled sadly.

"The Republic is an old system mixed with newer parts. They are okay with some things, but not others. My people and I have found that we're better off on our own. There are no privileges for us being Republic. Because we are not as large or do not have as many resources we are considered inconvenient. They do not help us even though we are a part of them. When the Garvin system joined the Republic, many many years ago we were promised that no matter how big or small, everyone would be looked after, but the Republic hasn't lifted a finger to help in years." King Randu shook his head in disappointment.

"Dooku promised us help, but he also promised to destroy us if we didn't take his help. I knew the Republic wouldn't help us. It would be a fools hope to think they would take their troops from somewhere they thought was more important than a small system almost in the outer rim. I had been already unimpressed with the Republic and it's leader Sargull, it was an easy decision to join Dooku." Randu said and I nodded.

"Do you know if other systems like yours are maybe feeling the same?" I asked.

"I know they are. The risk is too great staying with the Republic. The Separatists would wipe us out before the Republic would come to our aide. Those systems are not willing to lose everything they have. Ruling under Dooku is a far better option than losing everything." Randu told us.

"The Republic does what it can to protect everyone. There are so many systems though." Anakin said trying to defend the Republic.

"And that's unfortunate, but am I supposed to just wait here with Count Dooku at my door and hope that maybe I'll receive some help? We don't have time to wait for the Republic to come and help whenever convenient." Randu looked at Anakin helplessly and Anakin sat back unable to find words to say.

"Even the Jedi can't do everything. We all know that you're spread across the galaxy and as powerful as you are, it's just not enough some times. What is a Jedi and some clone troopers to Count Dooku's endless droid army?" King Randu said.

"What are some changes you would like to see in the Republic?" I asked. His answers were confirming everything I thought.

"I think things would go better for them if they actually listened to all of their systems. I understand that the bigger the systems and more resources the more sway they have, because they help the Republic more, but we need more compromises, or perhaps a separate council for us smaller systems where it's easier to find ways to help us. So often are we overlooked because of our size. Why would we not want to leave? It's an easy choice to follow Count Dooku. At least we would be more at peace." Randu explained.

"You do realize the count will use you though? So many systems think they're getting a good deal until Dooku practically takes over your system and you're helpless to do anything about it." Anakin said and Randu gave him a small smile.

"What are my options, Jedi? I am helpless either way, at least this way I'm not as helpless. My people are getting the food and resources we need, something the Republic has neglected for far too long. Before blaming the systems leaving the Republic, you should look at the root of the cause. Why are we leaving? Perhaps your precious Republic that you fight so valiantly for, is not as it seems." Randu said.

Anakin stole a glance at me and I could see the uncomfortableness in his eyes. I had said something similar to him before, now maybe he'd be more inclined to listen.

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