Chapter 47.

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"We made it to Geonosis with Obi Wan and did what we were asked. Count Dooku never admitted he was behind the attacks on Coruscant, but we did manage to take these." I said holding out the blueprints for the death star.

"What is that?" Mace asked.

"These are blueprints for a space station. A very powerful space station that would be disastrous in the wrong hands. I debated even bringing it here. This space station is the size of a small moon and would be powerful enough to destroy planets." I explained.

The council looked at me in shock. "Dooku had these plans?" Ki Adi Mundi asked.

"Yes, but the geonosians created it. There's a giant droid factory on Geonosis that thankfully we didn't have to deal with while we were there, but they're planning on using those droids against the Republic. Who knows what else the geonosians have created." I told them.

"Gone a long time, you've been. Why?" Yoda asked.

"Count Dooku was on to us and we had to make an escape. We met with Obi Wan and had to split up. We got out with a ship, but were followed and our hyperdrive was damaged right as we went into hyperspace. I was barely able to turn it off, but when I could, we crash landed on a planet called Korith Mazi. We barely made it off that ship alive. It was completely wrecked." Anakin said.

"We found a small village, as far as we knew they were the only humans on the planet. They took us in, but they didn't have any sort of communication devices or ships." I said.

"The leader of the village was an old man called Bona Droon. He had brought a group of people to Korith Mazi a very long time ago to get away from everything else. He wanted nothing to do with the outside systems." Anakin explained.

"We ended up living amongst them for several months, almost giving up on trying to get back when Bona died. Once he died, we found a door under his hut that led to an open chamber with an old ship inside. We fixed it and came here." I finished obviously not bothering to tell them about how close Anakin and I had become.

"It sounds like you two have been through a lot." Mace Windu said leaning back in his seat.

"Sorry, we are, that had to go through this, you did." Yoda said looking at me.

"I'm fine. You can thank Anakin for keeping us safe at all times. He even took care of a giant creature that was terrorizing the village all on his own with a couple of sticks." I chuckled.

"Skywalker, we appreciate you for doing your job and keeping Ivy safe. It sounds like you kept a clear mind even when things became rough." Mace Windu said. That was the closest thing to a compliment that I had ever heard from Mace.

Anakin bowed solemnly. "Of course Master."

"A lot has happened to you while you were gone, but I'm afraid even more has happened here." Mace continued looking grim.

"Once Obi Wan made it back, Dooku declared war on the Republic. He made it public that the Republic had a clone army and it's intent was to use them against him. There was a vote in the Senate on whether we should use the clones or not, but without you there it was hard to argue against it. The Jedi Order and a few senators were the only ones against it, so they went with the majority." Mace said.

"So where do the Jedi stand in all this? Are you all out fighting battles?" I asked worriedly.

"It's our duty to protect the Republic, even when we don't agree." Luminara Unduli's soft voice spoke.

"So what is the plan? Fight and win the war? This war is only going to make things worse." I said.

"Unfortunately there isn't much we can do. Not only does Dooku have an army, but he also has a sith apprentice that Obi Wan met just a little while ago." Mace explained.

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