Chapter 53.

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I spent my days reading up the best I could on the politics of the Republic and Separatists.

I knew that things were more complicated than it seemed. So many of those in the Republic thought of the Separatists as bad guys, but I knew the other side felt the same about us.

I couldn't help but think about Dooku's words about how the Republic is corrupt and caused the separation between planets to start. He wasn't wrong, but I couldn't exactly just say that I agreed with Count Dooku.

I had received good news that the battle that Anakin was fighting in had ended victoriously for the Republic. I could sleep easily that night knowing he was safe. I was hoping to see him soon.

After working at the temple, Mandro and I would meet up a couple times a week and go blaster training so that I would know how to defend myself better. He also gave me more pilot lessons and showed me various parts of the ship, what they were and how to fix them if they stopped working. I wanted to be able to help if I was ever in a bad situation again. It sucked feeling helpless.

I was at the temple one day studying holograms of the ships that attacked Coruscant when I felt a presence behind me.

I turned around a forced myself not to leap into my husband's arms as I noticed we weren't alone in this room.

"Anakin! How was your mission?" I asked excitedly. My body was shaking. I wanted to hold him so bad.

"It was a success which is all I can ask for." Anakin shrugged and smiled at me.

The room had a low light but I noticed something by Anakin's right eye.

"How did you get that?" I asked as I carefully touched a scar that went over his eye.

Anakin winced. "Ventress. I ran into her on Sardon. She's quicker than I thought. Next time she won't be so lucky."

"You met Ventress?" I asked in surprise.

"Unfortunately." he said grimly.

"Do you know how long you'll be on Coruscant?" I asked quietly.

"No, but I'm hoping at least a couple of days." Anakin said lowly as we pretended to look at a hologram.

"Well I hope to see you again." I gave him a bright smile and he bowed with a smirk.

"Of course my lady."

That night I waited, hoping that Anakin would be able to sneak out. It always made me nervous when he did, but it was worth it to see him.

He didn't disappoint and came at almost midnight.

"Anakin!" I hugged him tightly, not wanting to let go and it seemed as though he felt the same.

"I've missed you so much." Anakin said kissing me over and over again.

"I've been so worried about you. I've been watching the holotable of your battles. I get so nervous sometimes." I admitted to him as he held me in his arms.

"Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. How has my wife been?" Anakin said as if he'd been waiting to say that word for a long time.

"I've been good. I've been trying to brush up on my politics. Yes fighting wins battles, but I think there are better ways to win wars. I've been talking to Senator Amidala-"

"You've been talking to Senator Amidala?" Anakin asked in surprise.

"Yes. Although it is a little awkward because of your relationship- or not relationship, she's really a good person. She cares deeply about the Republic. I wish more people were like her." I said.

"Well you're pretty good yourself." Anakin said.

I blushed and kissed his cheek. "Thanks. But back to the subject- she thinks we should try a peaceful approach. See why the separatist systems left the Republic in the first place and I agree."

"I'm not sure about that. Talking doesn't always solve problems." Anakin said as we walked to the bedroom.

"And fighting does?" I scoffed.

"Sometimes fear is the only way to control." Anakin said and I turned to stare at him.

"That doesn't sound very Jedi-like." I told him disappointed.

"It may not be, but it's true. You need to remember that they attacked first." Anakin pointed out.

"Because we had a clone army!" I argued.

"They knew about the clone army beforehand. Dooku is literally behind it!" Anakin said.

"I'm sure that a lot of separatist systems don't know that. The Separatists just think that the Republic is corrupt, and are they wrong?" I asked.

"Whose side are you even on anyways?" Anakin asked.

"Obviously the Republic but-"

"It really doesn't sound like it." Anakin snapped.

"Excuse me! I'm just trying to see things from both sides. We need to look at things from everyone's point of view. It's not just bad guys good guys. They're just doing what they think is best for them." I said.

"You're sounding like a separatist. Have you talked to anyone else about this?" Anakin asked.

"Not really-"

"Good. I wouldn't if I were you. Not if you want to be viewed as a friend to the Republic." Anakin said.

"I didn't realize how closed-minded you were." I said taken aback at our argument.

"I didn't realize how blinded you are!" Anakin snapped.

"Anakin-" I stepped away from him, hurt.

"Ivy- I'm sorry. Let's not talk about politics. I just got back from being gone for like a month. I just want to spend time with my wife." Anakin said tiredly and reached for me apologetically.

"Fine. I'll blame your anger and unreasonableness on your tiredness." I said crossing my arms.

"I don't want to fight with you. I'm sorry. Let's not talk politics with each other anymore, because we obviously don't agree and it just makes us both upset." Anakin wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my jaw.

"Fine. No more politics." I agreed even though I was still somewhat upset.

"Good." Anakin said tiredly and pressed a firm kiss to my lips.

"How long can you stay?" I asked.

"All night. I have to leave early though to meet with Obi Wan in the morning." Anakin told me.

"I love how you're still paired with him a lot even though you're technically not his Padawan anymore." I smiled and Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I wished they had a little faith in me." he complained.

"They do! You two just work really well together! It's a good thing." I told him.

He just shrugged and took his belt off.

"I'm sorry about your scar. If it makes you feel any better it looks hot." I told him with a smirk.

He laughed and took off his shirt. "Thanks I guess?"

It had been awhile since I had seen him shirtless. He was even more gorgeous than before. His hair had grown a little and was starting to get a small curl. All I wanted to do was get lost in him.

"Have you missed me?" Anakin said breaking me out of my trance. He smiled when I blushed.

"You know I have." I said going over to him and running my fingers through his hair.

"We should show each other how much we missed each other." Anakin said lowly intertwining our fingers.

"Oh really?" I said smiling up at him.

He smiled his perfect smile at me and nodded before kissing me deeply.

"Sounds good to me General Skywalker." I smiled against his lips.

"Mmm good." Anakin held my hips tightly and kissed my neck.

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