Chapter 83.

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Obi Wan turned to look at me, but then I realized it wasn't Obi Wan who had saved me.

"Anakin?" I looked at him in shock and he rushed towards me and held me in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Ivy. Are you hurt?" Anakin asked and looked me up and down with such worry and love that it hurt.

"I'm okay. Where were you? How did you find me?" I asked. Seeing his face was like finally seeing the sunshine after weeks of rain.

"I'm so sorry. I was on my way back to apologize and try to fix everything when I saw them take you. I'm so sorry. I should have been there. I never should have left." Anakin held me tightly in his arms.

"Where did you go?" I asked holding onto him tightly.

"I went to find Ahsoka. I needed to know where she was going and if she'd be okay. I feel responsible for her. She's still so young. I found her, but we also found Ventress. Together, Ahsoka and I defeated her. I was so lost when I left that everything hurt and I wasn't in my right mind. I told Ahsoka everything and she knocked some sense into me and told me to go back to you. I'm so sorry Ivy. I don't think I can ever apologize enough." Anakin said holding my hands tightly and looking into my eyes.

"Can you just promise me that you won't leave without explanation again?" I said with tears in my eyes.

"I swear, that won't ever happen again." Anakin promised and held me tightly.

We heard the sound of droids coming our way and Anakin put himself in front of me. "We should get going. Even with Dooku dead, everyone on the ship will be looking for us." Anakin said igniting his lightsaber.

I looked to the figure on the ground by the door. It hadn't processed to me that Dooku was dead.

I grabbed a blaster from a fallen droid and followed Anakin out of the control deck.

Anakin and I fought our way to hangar to steal a separatist ship, because the starfighter Anakin came in could only hold one person.

"Artoo, start up that one!" Anakin called over to his starfighter and pointed at a ship.

"We're taking Dooku's ship?" I asked incredulously.

"Yep." Anakin said blocking blaster bolts coming our direction.

"They'll never let us on Coruscant." I said as we climbed aboard. I shot at a few more droids, making them collapse to the ground.

"Yes they will." Anakin said and quickly took the controls of the ship.

They had started to close the bay doors but Anakin was faster and we made it out just in time.

"You better strap in." Anakin said and I took his advice.

Pretty soon we had half a dozen ships shooting at us and Anakin did his best to out-maneuver them.

"If we can just get to hyperspace, we'll be good." Anakin said frustratingly as he dodged another barrage of blaster fire.

"Artoo plan a course for Coruscant." Anakin said as he did something that made the sail of the ship come out.

Artoo beeped in confirmation and Anakin nodded as he quickly sent us into hyperspace.

When we were in hyperspace Anakin laughed joyously and turned towards me. His expression fell when he saw me and he held my hands in his. "Do you think you could ever forgive me? What I said and did was so wrong and I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for saying what I did." Anakin looked down at our hands.

"Anakin, I love you. I'm sorry that I kept things from you. I just couldn't tell you. You were so good I didn't think it would ever matter. I didn't want you to think that was your destiny because it isn't. You're not meant to be Vader anymore." I said lifting his chin up.

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