Chapter 54.

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I awoke when I felt something move underneath me. I felt a cold emptiness take the place of Anakin's warm chest.

I sat up groggily and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Go back to sleep my love." Anakin said quietly. I saw his silhouette in the dark picking up his clothes that were discarded earlier that night.

"You have to leave already?" I said sadly falling back into bed.

"Unfortunately. I love you." he came over to me and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I tried holding onto his arm to stop him from leaving.

"I'll try to come back this afternoon, after I meet Obi Wan." he told me and I nodded sleepily.

"What are you doing with Obi Wan?" I asked.

"I think we're just going over battle plans and strategies and stuff." Anakin explained softly.

I nodded again snuggling into the pillow. "Mmkay. I hope to see you this afternoon."

"I'll definitely try my love." he gave me one last kiss on the forehead and then left.

The air felt empty and lonely without him. I was glad that I was so tired so that I could fall back asleep quickly and not notice the emptiness as much.

In the morning I made some quick breakfast before going to the temple. Artoo came beside me in the kitchen and I patted his dome.

I felt bad that I barely ever saw him. He was here all day just sitting around. I suddenly realized that I wasn't the one who was supposed to have him. He needed to be with Anakin. As much as I loved him and appreciated his company, I knew that they were supposed to be together. Artoo had saved Anakin's life a few times and definitely saved the day more than a few. It had been selfish of me to keep him here.

"Artoo, I have an important job for you." I turned to him and he beeped happily.

That afternoon Anakin did come back.

"What's your excuse for leaving this time?" I asked Anakin and gave him a glass of water as he sat on the couch.

"I just told Obi Wan that I was checking in on you as a friend." he shrugged.

"You told Obi Wan you were coming to see me? Anakin!" Was he crazy?

"What? Come on, they know we are friends. We were trapped together on a planet for five months for crying out loud. It's not that strange for me to want to check in on you." he tried to reason.

"What was Obi Wan's expression?" I asked.

"I don't know. Fine?" Anakin shrugged his shoulders.

"I'd rather people didn't know we were meeting up." I told him.

"Well he doesn't know about last night." Anakin told me.

"I should hope not. There would really be no logical explanation for you to be visiting me at midnight."

"Exactly. That's why I'm visiting you now." Anakin nodded and I laughed at him.

"Well, I'm glad you came. I have a gift for you." I smiled and he looked at me confused.

"A gift?" he asked in surprise.

"Yep! You're very own astromech!" I said waving my arms dramatically at Artoo.

Anakin looked taken aback. "What? Ivy I can't take him. He means so much to you!" Anakin said shaking his head.

"Exactly, and that's why you need to have him. He's not doing anything here. He would be a big help to you. He's meant to be with you. Trust me." I looked at him pleadingly.

"Ivy, I- thank you." Anakin said looking at the droid in amazement.

"You better take care of him though!" I told Anakin sternly.

He smiled and hugged me tightly. "I will. I love you so much."

"I love you too. He'll come in handy. He can do pretty much anything." I told Anakin and he nodded.

"I think we'll make a good team. Both of us want the same thing." Anakin smirked.

"What's that?" I laughed.

"To come back to you." Anakin said as if it was obvious.

I slapped him lightly on the chest. "Stop being so sweet."

"I'm just being honest." Anakin said tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

I looked into his eyes and just felt happiness overflow my body. I never thought love could be this full and real. He was literally like a sunshine after weeks of rain. When I was with him I felt so complete.

"I love you. I feel like those three words are insignificant to the way I feel about you, but they'll have to do. I can never tell you enough." I said placing my hand on his cheek. He leaned into my touch and closed his eyes.

"I know what you mean. I don't think there are words to describe the way I feel about you either." Anakin breathed and gently rested his forehead against mine.

"That's why it's so hard to tell you that I'm leaving again. Tomorrow." Anakin said and I backed away from him.

"Already? But you just got here!" I complained.

"I'm lucky I was even able to come back. The war is still in the beginning stages. They need me on the front lines. Hopefully things will calm down soon and I'll be able to have longer breaks." Anakin sighed.

"This war is so stupid. I can't believe it's still even happening. I hoped with Palpatine gone, this wouldn't even exist." I said angrily.

"I know. We'll get through it though. I'll fight as hard as I can so that this war can end and I can come back to you." Anakin said rubbing my arms.

"So I guess this is goodbye again?" I said miserably, unable to even look at him.

"Hey, I'll be back soon. With Artoo these battles will take half the time." Anakin joked and I managed a small smile.

"You two better keep each other safe." I said pointing at the both of them. Artoo beeped and Anakin smiled.

"Will do my lady."

I shook my head and kissed him.

"Come back to me." I whispered.


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