Chapter 75.

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Once we got to Coruscant, Anakin immediately took us to the Jedi Temple to heal. As we walked into the temple we were greeted by healers that ushered us to the temple infirmary. I heard Obi Wan confront Anakin as we were headed away.

"Anakin, you were specifically told not to go!" Obi Wan scolded Anakin.

"I found them didn't I? I couldn't just wait for it to get worse. I had to go and find them!" Anakin argued.

"The council is very upset at you for disobeying orders. You abandoned your mission with no explanation. We didn't know what happened to you, although we guessed. Anakin, when are you going to learn to follow orders?"

"I'm sorry Master. It won't happen again. You know I had to go though." Anakin said quietly.

"Anakin, I'm glad you found them." Obi wan said softly and then they were out of earshot.

"You don't look that bad for being chained up for three weeks." The Jedi healer said after we told him what happened.

"We found some bactade and drank that when they came and rescued us." Padme told him. "I really don't need this. I need to get to the Senate and try to fix this."

"The bactade might have healed you a little, but you still need rest and more time to heal. It would not be wise to leave right now." The Jedi advised.

"I can get healing later. This is more important." Padme insisted.

"It's up to you senator Amidala." The Jedi bowed.

"Thank you, but I will be fine. I promise I'll have a medic look over me when I'm done. I have to go though." She said.

"Be careful Padme." I said worriedly.

"I will. Take care of yourself. I'll see you soon, hopefully." Padme said and took off.

I knew Anakin would kill me if I didn't stay and get healed so I didn't try to go after her.

I opted out of using a bacta tank, but they covered me in a salve and gave me something to make me sleep.

When I awoke, I saw familiar faces all around me.

"Ivy, happy to see you, we are." Yoda said kindly.

"I'm happy to see you too." I said sleepily.

"You went through a lot. How are you?" Obi Wan asked.

"I'm fine. Just glad to be back." I said.

"We're glad you're here as well." Mace Windu said.

"Have I been out long?" I asked.

"Only three days. You're doing remarkably well though, considering what you've been through." the healer told me.

"Three days? What did I miss?" I asked trying to sit up.

"Everything is fine. Your friend Senator Amidala is a strong one. She's already fixing the problems that the Chancellor created in her absence. The woman responsible for your capture has been detained by Republic security. Don't worry, she's not a threat anymore." Obi wan smirked.

"Is Padme okay? I should be there helping her." I said.

"She's fine. You both went through a lot. You should probably take some time off." Mace Windu said.

"The war isn't going to stop. I can't stop either." I said and tried to get out of bed.

"Just take it easy." I heard Anakin's voice and a feeling of comfort washed over me. I realized that I was back home. I was safe. Anakin was here. He hadn't turned to the dark side. Everything would be okay.

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