Chapter 37.

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Once the hut was prepared, the people of Korith Mazi left us alone.

"Looks like you're stuck sleeping with me for a little longer." he smirked, nodding to the one bed.

"They must think we're married or something. I hope they don't assume-"

"They don't even understand Basic. It would be too much of a hassle to even begin to explain." Anakin interrupted with a shrug.

He turned away from me but I could see he was smiling.

Was he happy about this? Wouldn't it just make things even more awkward between us? So we couldn't be together, but then are supposed to do everything together, including sleep in the same bed? It was one thing in the wilderness, but now we were in a hut with walls and a door. Too much privacy.

What if we were stuck here forever? Would it be so bad? I wouldn't have to worry about Anakin turning to the dark side. We might actually be able to have a relationship. It was too early to say though. The last thing I wanted to do was tell Anakin how I really felt about him, and then somehow end up getting off of this planet.

I hated that it was dark already. I was starting to feel claustrophobic in this hut with Anakin and the bed. I don't know why it felt so much different than last night.

Anakin took off his boots and walked over to the chair pulled with clothes. He looked through them until he found what he was looking for. A pair of simple brown pants.

He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment. "If you want to get changed first, I'll wait outside to give you privacy."

"Thanks." I muttered and walked over to the chair as well, picking up a plain white dress and debating on whether it would be a good nightgown or not. None of the clothes felt particularly comfortable but I decided the dress would do.

I waited for him to leave before changing. I was pleased that he was being chivalrous. I could never tell if he was going to tease or actually be a gentleman.

When I was done I opened the door and walked out. I found Anakin looking up at the stars waiting.

"Do you think we'll ever make it back?" I asked as I joined him.

He turned to me sadly. "I don't know. I wish I did."

He went inside our hut and then soon after opened the door again, wearing only the pants.

"Are you going to sleep like that?" I couldn't help but blurt out. My cheeks were reddening.

"Like what?" he asked confused.

"No shirt?" I said awkwardly. I didn't know if I could handle being this close to him like that. Was he doing this on purpose? I could have sworn I saw an amused glint in his eye.

"I always sleep like this. Last night was cold, but this hut is good about keeping the warmth in, so there's no need for a shirt. I get too hot." he shrugged.

He was too hot now. It was hard to even look at him, let alone know I had to sleep next to him like that. This was torture and he knew it.

Well then I would torture him back. Pretend to be unbothered by it. He only did this stuff to get a reaction from me, if I didn't give him one, he would stop. Hopefully.

I crawled into the bed while Anakin turned off our light. It was a strange contraption. It wasn't electric, but some sort of bright glowing rock. To turn it off you had to secure a bowl around it.

Anakin climbed into the bed. I had my back turned towards him, but I could feel his eyes on me.

"You should get some sleep." I told him gently.

"It's going to be hard. I can't help but think of how helpless we are here. Is anyone even looking for us? Did Obi Wan make it off of Geonosis? Does everyone think we're dead?" Anakin sighed.

I couldn't help but cry at his words. This wasn't the first time something like this happened to me.

I felt Anakin turn towards me and I tried to wipe my tears quickly.

He gently put his arm around me. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" his voice sounded broken.

"It's okay. I'm okay. It's just- I already lost everyone I loved on Earth. I wasn't prepared to lose everyone again." I couldn't help but sob.

He turned me over to face him and pulled me against his chest in a tight hug.

"I will do everything I can so that you can get back home. I will never stop trying for you." he told me quietly.

I hugged him tightly, crying into his chest. "I'm scared of being alone again."

"This time you aren't alone. I'm here, and I'll always be here. I know I can't make up for everyone, your family, friends, but please know you aren't alone." he whispered into my hair.

His words were more comforting than he probably realized. He was right, this time I wasn't alone. Anakin Skywalker was stranded with me. I wanted to laugh at how much I had imagined this scenario back before I even came to this universe. Back when he was just a fictional character in my favorite movie series. Here I was, wrapped up in his arms, not knowing what the future held, but knowing everything would be okay because he was with me.

I don't know why I did it, or what I was thinking, but I lifted my head up and kissed him softly. Anakin froze in surprise before immediately taking my face in his hands and kissing me back.

It was a few seconds before I realized what was happening. What was I doing? I just kissed Anakin Skywalker. I was going to give him the wrong impression. I pushed away quickly.

"I'm so sorry. That shouldn't have happened. I- I don't know why I did that." I said shakily.

"Please don't apologize." he said quietly.

"Anakin nothing has changed. We can't-"

"What if we're stuck here for a long time? Then what was the point of keeping us apart? Obviously you also have feelings for me." Anakin said frustratingly.

"What if we do get off? I doubt you'll be fine starting something and then having to end it, which is what we'd have to do." I told him.

"We'd figure that out when we got there. I just want to love you, and show you every day. Yes, I want to go back, but I know if we can't, it wouldn't be the worst thing, because you're here with me, and you're all that matters. I'm yours to command. I would do anything you asked." Anakin said turning to me pleadingly.

"That's the problem! You would do anything. Anything. I can't take that risk." I said.

"It's too late. Regardless of whether or not you decide to return my love, I'm so in love with you and I would already do anything for you. I will forever be yours."

"Anakin please." I didn't want him to say anymore.

"Don't worry. I'll always be here. Even if you never speak to me again. I'll be here for you." he said and turned around to go to sleep.

My heart was hurting. I was so confused and scared. All I wanted was to throw my arms around him and tell him I loved him too. Maybe someday I would, but it couldn't be today. I needed to think about some things first.

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