Chapter 76.

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I was happy to know that Anakin wasn't completely serious about not letting me go anywhere. If he was, we were going to have problems.

Padme was quick to calm the Senate down and resume the plans she had originally had. Thankfully the Republic wasn't in too much chaos.

Over the months while Anakin and the Jedi fought hard battles with the seperatists, Padme and I worked tirelessly together to try and fix things within the Republic, and Padme started running for Chancellor.

"The Republic is running better than ever thanks to you. There is no way that anyone can win over you." I told her one evening while in her apartment with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma. The vote for the new Chancellor was tomorrow.

"She's right. You already have full support from all of the smaller systems you've helped, as well as many of the largest most powerful systems. Anyone would be fool to run against you." Bail said with a smile.

"Part of me wonders if this is where I'm meant to be. I never imagined becoming Chancellor, it was surprising enough to become queen of Naboo. My life has been full of politics and leadership, but I couldn't do it without the support of you all. You three give me purpose and strengthen me. I've always tried to do what I believe is right, and your support has meant the world to me. There are no words to express the gratitude I have for your friendship." Padme said raising a glass of wine inti the air.

"To friendship." Mon Mothma said raising her glass and we all followed suit.

After a couple of hours, the others left and it was just me and Padme.

"How's Anakin?" she asked politely.

"Oh, he's fine, hopefully. Right now he's somewhere near Vanqor." I said looking out the large windows at the still bustling city of Coruscant.

"Do you ever worry about him? What do they call him now? 'The hero with no fear'?" Padme chuckled.

"I worry about him a lot actually. I always hope he's okay." I say.

"It must be hard, having a relationship like you do. I don't know how you do it." Padme said.

"We make it work. It's hard, but not impossible." I told her.

"Do you ever talk about maybe not hiding it?"

I turned to her. "We have. After the war, I think we're going to try. I know he wants to." I said.

"And you?" she asked quietly.

"I want to be with him. Absolutely, but it's hard knowing that I'll have to give up everything I know. He'll obviously be expelled from the Jedi Order, they'll never trust me again knowing that I was in a secret relationship with a Jedi almost the whole time I worked with them. I don't know if I'll want to stay in Coruscant because of that. I don't know what will happen..." I said shakily.

"Have you told Anakin about this?" Padme placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I think so, but he doesn't care regardless." I said.

"So you're okay with it, then? Just leaving everything behind?" she pressed.

"I love Anakin. I want him to be happy." I said.

"And what about you? Don't you deserve to be happy too?"

"I will be happy. Unfortunately it's just not possible for us to have both. I wish things were different." I turned away from her.

"You believe the Jedi will turn away from you, even after all you've done for them?" Padme asked.

"Probably! I betrayed them. I willingly, secretly married Anakin. I know that's against the rules, he knew! No, I don't think they'll want me around anymore." I said sadly.

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