Chapter 60.

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Pantulla found me and Anakin and led us to where we would sit. We were near the head of the table where Chancellor Sargull was sitting. Pantulla sat on the end near her father and had Anakin sit next to her. I sat next to Anakin and much to Anakin's dismay prince Dolean sat down next to me.

"So we meet again." Dolean said with a smile and I smiled back at him.

Once everyone was seated Chancellor Sargull rose and gestured everyone to quiet down.

"I want to thank you all for coming. I know times have been very difficult because of the war. Hopefully this night will give you a little rest from the constant headache and worry." Sargull said and everyone cheered except me and Anakin, but Anakin politely smiled and lifted his glass.

"There are a couple people I would like to introduce to you all. Yesterday my daughter was abducted by Dooku's sith apprentice Asajj Ventress. She would have gotten away with it too were it not for these two brave people who rescued her; Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Ivy who is a friend to the Jedi. Anakin managed to fight Ventress long enough for Ivy to help Pantulla escape. So let's give them a cheer to show our gratitude to the Jedi and all they do." Chancellor Sargull gestured for me and Anakin to stand up. We stood awkwardly as people cheered for us.

I was happy to sit back down when he started continuing talking about the war and Anakin's achievements. Anakin seemed almost embarrassed by the attention he was receiving.

I noticed Pantulla watching Anakin in awe and felt a twinge of annoyance. I knew I had just gotten after Anakin for being jealous, but it still sucked watching her undress him with her eyes.

"Your Jedi friend seems to have quite an impressive history." Dolean whispered to me as Sargull went on.

"He's very good at his job." I agreed.

"I couldn't help but notice his attitude towards myself and you when we were dancing. I hope I'm not coming between anything." he said slowly.

"Of course not. Anakin and I are just good friends. I've known him for years." I explained.

"Oh good. I could have sworn that the Jedi weren't allowed to form relationships. I was confused for a second." Dolean laughed.

"Anakin just watches out for me like a brother. He's protective." I lied.

"Ah that makes more sense now." Dolean smiled.

Once the Chancellor was done with his speeches we began to eat. Pantulla was asking Anakin hundreds of questions. He could barely eat because he was politely trying to answer them all.

"Is it true that the Jedi aren't allowed to have relationships?" she asked and fiddled with his sleeve.

"Yes, attachments are forbidden according to the Jedi code." Anakin answered.

"What about just sexual relations without attachments?" she asked placing a hand over his.

I practically choked on my drink and Anakin gently removed his hand from under hers.

"Uh usually those two coincide with each other." Anakin answered awkwardly.

"You Jedi can't find pleasure?" she asked undeterred by Anakin's discomfort.

"The Jedi aren't about themselves. We are selfless. It's not in our nature to think about those things." Anakin answered.

"So you've never been curious about what it's like?" she purred. I realized I was staring at her, I hoped she didn't notice.

"I'm sorry what was the question?" Anakin asked uncomfortably looking around for anyone else to talk to.

"You've never wondered what it would be like to be with a woman?" Pantulla bravely placed a hand under the table and on Anakin's thigh.

He jumped at the contact and looked at her in shock. "No." he said quickly, gently removing her hand from his lap.

She looked at him disappointedly. "I see."

I couldn't help but smirk. Anakin wasn't letting her get far with him. I was surprised by her boldness. I was turned on by Anakin's actions though. He remained a complete gentleman all through that while still respecting himself and me and even Pantulla.

"You seem amused at something." Dolean noted and I turned towards him.

"Oh it was nothing." I brushed it off.

"Hmm. How are you liking the dinner?" he asked.

"It's very good. The temple food is kind of basic and bland. It'll do, but it's nothing like this." I told him.

"You deserve to eat like this more often. I would like to see you again." Dolean said softly. I didn't realize how close in contact we were until I felt Anakin's heated gaze on us.

"Thank you, but I don't have much free time. I work a lot. The war doesn't stop and neither do I." I told him backing away a little.

"Perhaps I could speak to your Jedi. You and I could work together to try and find a solution to end this war." Dolean placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not sure. Perhaps we can have a lunch sometime and discuss it." I said trying to end the conversation.

"I would enjoy that. I want to get to know you more. I want to know who this mysterious, beautiful friend of the Jedi is." Dolean said. His eyes seemed to bore into me and I shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm afraid there's not much to know. I come from Tattooine. I moved to Coruscant about eight years ago. I was able to help the Jedi with something then and we've remained friends ever since. Nothing much else." I shrugged.

"You are very busy with the Jedi. Do you ever have time for a relationship?" he asked. What was with everyone asking about relationships tonight.

"Actually I have a husband. He's a pilot." I told Dolean. Hopefully that would deter him from continuing to try to meet up with me later. "His name is Ovinde Startro."

I saw Anakin's face light up and smirk at my words. That was his name when we were in disguise on Geonosis. I felt his hand discreetly run down my exposed thigh.

I flushed and quickly took a sip of my drink.

"Of course you are married." Dolean said disappointedly. "You are far too beautiful to be single. I don't know why I got my hopes up."

"You are too kind." I said.

"Your husband is a very lucky man. He must be quite a man to have won your heart."

"He is. I'm truly the lucky one." I said and spared a quick glance at Anakin.

He was smiling to himself and my heart just exploded for him. His smile was the most beautiful thing in the universe.

"I do hope we can still meet up. I would like to hear more about your thoughts on the war." Dolean said and I nodded.

A couple of hours later Anakin and I excused ourselves to leave.

"General Skywalker!" Pantulla called as we were leaving. Both Anakin and I sighed.

"Yes Lady Sargull?" Anakin asked.

"In case you ever change your mind about- you know, well, you know where to find me." Pantulla said quietly and Anakin didn't bother answering her but just turned and left.

I bit my lip to try and hide my smile as I followed him.

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