End Notes

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Well, finishing this book was bittersweet. I started when I was about 15 and this year I'll be turning 23, so it's been a process.

I have loved Star Wars all my life, especially the Prequels and I always wished they had ended different. Writing this gave me a sense of what I wanted.

I can't believe it's done. It's an amazing feat to me that I even did. There was one point where I didn't touch this story for over two years, from 2018-2020. I had pretty much abandoned it. I couldn't find my notebooks of dragon runes that I had written the story in and I had moved on from Star Wars. (Well, I just wasn't as obsessed.) In 2022 I really got into it again and realized that I was still in love with Anakin.

Like it's crazy that when I see him or think of him it gives me butterflies. I know I'm weird. My love for the character Anakin started when I was 12 and frankly turned into an obsession that I'm still in, over ten years later.

Fun fact! There were different ideas for the ending on this one that I found in various notes. One was that they lived quietly on Korith Mazi after Anakin went bad, but Ivy brought him back to the light. One had Ivy leaving to go back to Earth and Anakin snuck aboard and went with her (I guess they had broken up?). And one very strange ending had Ivy end up with Han Solo (I was in a Han Solo faze for a hot minute when I was 18) yet still had Luke and Leia with Anakin, but Ivy had broken up with Anakin to make it easier on them so that he could remain a Jedi. Their children became Jedi as well. Leia was Anakin's padawan and Luke was Obi Wan's.

Taking about seven years to write this thing, obviously I couldn't remember what my original plans were for this whole story and I apologize if there are any inconsistencies. A lot of my inspiration came from Clone Wars episodes and I tried to keep it as authentic as possible.

I really hope you enjoyed this story, and I'm sorry if you didn't, but I enjoyed writing it.

Now that this story is over I might do more on my Star Wars preferences book where I'll occasionally take requests and write imagines or different scenarios for your character and a star wars character or setting.

I want to give a huge thanks to those who have constantly supported me by reading and voting and commenting. You guys are the main reason I finished this story. I will always appreciate every kind word and I read everyone's comments and they mean the world to me, so thank you all!!

If anyone ever wants to talk about Star Wars, especially the Prequels and clone wars, feel free to message me anytime. You can see that I obviously love Star Wars and Anakin and if you do too, then we will be good friends.

Thank you all! I love you!

The End.

*Sneak peek of the sequel in the next chapter! If you want to continue the story of Ivy and Anakin, check out my new story Star Wars: Rescuing Hope!*

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