Chapter 3 - Frost of Winter (2)

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"Sovereign... of frost..." The headmaster took in a deep breath as he could not believe what he had just heard.

"How..." He mumbled underneath his breath.

Meanwhile, Celeste was still kneeling on the ground with her head hung low.

"Celeste!" Leandro called for her and the man immediately ran to assist his lover.

"Celeste, get up!" He uttered and practically lifted her off of her feet but Celeste grasped the sleeves of Leandro's suit to stop him from interrupting.

"Sovereign..." The headmaster spoke again.

"Father..." Leandro trailed off while his gaze switched back and forth between Celeste and his father.

"I-I've never met a sovereign before..." Slowly, the headmaster's gaze looked at Celeste and she stared back.

Her emotionless blue eyes were cold. They did not hold anything.

Hatred, grudge, despise, none of those were within her beads. It seemed like they had been frozen to constantly show an unwavering façade that held her emotions deep within.

"How can you prove you are the sovereign of frost?" The old man asked and Leandro instantly knew that Celeste had the upper hand in this case.

"If I prove to you that I am the Sovereign of Frost, will you take my children in and let them live as the next successors after Leandro?" She inquired and the headmaster stiffened in his spot.

It was a gamble.

"If you prove you are of significance in power then I will consider." The headmaster was not having any of it at this point.

One could speak about many things yet the woman who bore his son's children speaks of becoming a sovereign.


"But if you cannot prove you are a sovereign, I will kill you and your children." A shiver ran up Leandro's spine when he heard his father's voice.

The old man was always cheerful around him and Ronnovian. He always used careful words to please his sons and only a handful of times could Leandro remember his old man speaking so seriously.

A gamble for Celeste yet Leandro knew she would win.

"Tell me, woman. How can you prove you are the Sovereign of Frost?" The headmaster inquired.

Everyone was silent.

The servants, knights, and mages stationed to guard the room both inside and outside did not even breathe loudly.

Everyone was holding their hearts in their sleeves as they listened to the cold and emotionless voices that spoke about terms they do not understand.

The woman used magic that stopped the headmaster's rage from ruining the mansion but that was not enough proof.

Individuals who could use ice magic are in their own class and the headmaster knew that if she wielded ice magic, she should have the capability of doing so.

After all, they were beings chosen by the Frost of Winter to hold its power.

But before Celeste could respond, Leandro turned to the knights and servants inside the room.

"Leave." He commanded.

He cannot have anyone knowing further details about his lover and he wanted to protect Celeste against any misinformation that might spread across the territory.

One by one, the knights and mages got out. The servants hesitated as it was in their duties to never leave any of either the Headmaster or the Young Master alone without any helper.

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