Chapter 70 - Dance

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"Pier... He is also my lover."

A series of collective gasps were heard around the room before everything went silent. If someone were to drop a pin on the floor, its noise would echo so loud that it would surpass the sound of a bullet.

Everyone had their mouths open and their eyes wide as if they had just heard the world was going to end.

No, literally.

All the citizens of Taron thought that it would have to be the world's end if the young master of the House of Masters could be with the Crown Prince. It was common knowledge that was constantly passed and talked around.

The heir of the House of Masters was always fond of the prince who was next to the throne.

However, the prince loved another and could not find the means to love the young master back. They all saw how Pier was chasing after the shadow of the man who could not see what was behind.

But now...

When they were finally pulled out of their surprise, one person clapped.

The single clap was then followed by another and soon, collective claps filled the room.

They smiled as tears brimmed their eyes.

It was heartwarming.

The image that they thought they would never see was now painted like a brilliant cluster of stars in the night sky.

"Hail to His Highness! Hail to the Young Master!" They cheered and cheered.

On the other hand, Asher smiled in glee when the people recognized Pier. It was just right. All of the citizens recognized Pier as someone worthy of respect and adoration was simply the perfect image that everyone must adhere to.

"Yes... He is my lover..."


"What..." The real Pier watched through the reflection in disbelief.

As if his world stopped turning, Pier looked blankly at the image being presented. "T-That's not Pier... That's Silas..." He murmured and clenched his hands as his face was clearly disturbed.

"Asher... W-What are you doing?" He couldn't help but ask even though he knew Asher couldn't hear him at all. He abruptly stood up but never left his glance from the reflection inside the smoke.

"T-They're joking, right?" Pier nervously chuckled because he did not want to believe it.

Silas was Asher's lover? When? Since when? Questions were piling in his mind in madness and he just stood there frozen.

Was this a skit? Was this some form of entertainment they were doing for the people?

That could be it, right? There's no other explanation as to why the two would do this. Especially Asher who knew Pier still existed in his dreams.

However, the slight hope that this was all a form of joke came crumbling down when Pier saw Asher snake his arms around Silas' waist and pulled the man closer to him. It caused the crowd to cheer even more to the point that they were wild.

Cheers, claps, screams, and cries of joy all resonated around the room and it was deafening. Even the music that was being played was drowned by the enormous waves of support for the two men who stood on top of the platform.

"No... No..." Pier shook his head many times as he continued rejecting all the things he heard. His hands were shaking and his heart was pounding in his chest.

"I know there would be challenges that will come along our way. However, I know that together, we can surpass anything."

"A-Ash..." An excruciating pain suddenly filled his heart and Pier couldn't bare it.

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