Chapter 64 - Fight

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The sound of birds flying across the event horizon could be heard through the serene atmosphere surrounding him. It was tranquil; it was silent.

Not even an ounce of disarray was coursing through his heart. It had been a long time since he last felt like this.

"You're drinking again?" Voiced a man from behind him. The young king slowly turned his head to the direction where the voice had come from and there he saw a handsome man with midnight hair staring at him in return.

"Do you want a drink too?" He offered as he downed the remaining liquor in his cup at one go. The other man watched in amazement as the young king did so.

"I'm good. I am not in the mood to drink."

"But why?"

"I just am."

"Oh..." Silas looked at his cup and saw that it was now empty which made his eyebrows furrow. "How... Why is my cup empty?" He asked and Ciaran chuckled.

"You're drunk, my love. You should stop drinking now."

"Wha? Nooo!" Silas wailed before grumbling and marching back inside the room where the half-empty bottle of liquor sat on a wooden mahogany table. His steps were wobbly and his eyes looked a little too happy for it to be normal.

"Silas," Ciaran called and the white-haired king who was now holding the neck of the liquor bottle stopped before turning to look at him.


"Why don't you have a seat with me?"

"No... I... I can't do that..."

"Why not?"

"Because... Because... I... I have to drink... a lot..."

Ciaran's eyebrow rose at the response. Silas seemed awfully different lately and he was not having any of it.

Despite the young king being literally immortal after making a contract to be the Sovereign Phoenix's guardian, he still did not like seeing Silas waste himself like that away.

It was far different from the Silas that he knew.

This Silas was a drunkard.

A literal drunkard who drank day and night without stop.

"Why do you have to drink a lot?" Silas turned his back to the man who was sitting on the comfortable seat and he started to drink the liquor straight out of the bottle.

"Silas, answer me."

"I... can't... tell..."

As Silas was about to walk back to the balcony to drink again, he wasn't able to notice the sudden appearance of the man in front of him which caused him to bump directly in Ciaran's chest.

"Sit down and talk with me, Silas."

"I said I can't..."

"I won't stop until you can."

Ciaran saw Silas' shoulders rise and fall remarking the heave of breath that he just did.

"Fenrir... please... not now..."

"My love, you are wasting away in our room for almost a week now. You can't just be like that and turn away from everything. You have Raegan, you have the knight, you have me-"


However, he stopped talking when Silas dropped the bottle on the carpeted floor. Ciaran watched as the red liquid from inside started to pour out.

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