Special Chapter - Hero From the Other World

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A/N: I know we already ended the Other World's arc but I've been bugged for days on how I ended it. I wanted a proper ending for Perez as he's one of the biggest characters in this arc as well as the other hunters, so I'm writing this special chapter as a proper closing for it. Enjoy!

Song of the chapter btw is Centimillimental's "Bokura dake no Shudaika". I attached it in the player above and you can play it in repeat for the best experience. Enjoy!


Perez sat quietly on a rubble. The melted city around him was slowly starting to be reconstructed. The dead body of the white-haired man from the other world cradled in his arms. He had stopped crying eons ago yet his heart was still hurting from losing the person he had been with for only a few days.

Could he even call it a loss? Silas was never his in the first place. Just because he shared a few moments with him does it mean he can call it a loss at all. However, deep in his heart, he had claimed something that never existed to begin with.

His eyes darted to a far distance and saw the disappearing body of the 100th challenge's creature. The Malevolent Wraith's body was also lifeless as it lay there, disappearing in a cloud of smoke. He had killed the final challenge with such ease.

His heart clenched again.

He knew Silas was a good man. He knew that despite the title of a villain he had placed upon himself, Silas was still a person who knew how to handle things according to what he thinks is right.

But upon seeing that the white-haired man would rather kill himself than see even a copy of his beloved husband getting killed, that made the pain worse. Tripled. Quadrupled.

Silas was so in love with a person that seeing them die would also mean the death of him.

However, a small part of his heart was a little bit happy.

Perez knew that Silas didn't have to be alone when he goes back to where he was. He has someone who will probably do the same thing as to what he did here.

But truthfully, it was a little unfair.

What about him now?

[Congratulations! You have cleared all the challenges!]

The notification read in his status window. But compared before to when he would feel a slight hint of joy whenever a challenge was done, he didn't feel anything right now at all. It felt empty. As if his mind and heart were desolate of any emotions.

"Sir Perez!" He turned his head to the side and saw all the remaining hunters running towards him lead by none other than Matthew, the shield hunter.

He had returned to his naturally perfect state despite getting demolished in a single attack by Silas earlier. He wondered how that happened. Flora only had minimal healing abilities and she cannot heal him fully with her magic when his wounds were fatal.

'Must be something of Silas' work again,' he thought as he faked a smile when they got nearer. When they finally reached him, the first thing they saw was the lifeless man he was cradling in his arms. They stared at Silas for a few minutes and Perez's jaw clenched unknowingly.

What were they thinking?

Are they glad he's dead? Are they glad he's no longer here so the challenges would be finished? He couldn't fathom it fully but he didn't like it one bit-

"Did Sir Silas tell you to kill him?"

He was brought out of his thoughts when Matt spoke up. Perez's eyes widened a bit before he gulped and slowly nodded his head.

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