Special Chapter

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A/N: Just a little AU series/side chapters. I'm kind of occupied with school right now hehe.

Take note that this is in an alternate universe and does not affect the current timeline/plot of the real story. Enjoy!


His eyes watched every movement the clock's long hand made.


"School's out!" A classmate of him yelled out loud in which Eliam chuckled quietly. It's always fun seeing their reactions when the clock strikes eleven signaling their lunch break.

One by one, the young man closed his opened books and kept his notes in his black backpack. After zipping it up, Eliam then wore its strap and started to make his way out of the classroom.

"Hey, Liam!" A voice called and when he turned, he saw that it was the other boys of his class. By the looks of it, they seem to have a plan in ditching the first afternoon period and hang out somewhere else.

"I can't," Eliam apologized and they all looked disappointed but nevertheless nodded their heads. It was hard to catch a glimpse of Eliam outside their school and it was even harder to hang out with him even inside the campus.

The young man chuckled again before he finally made his way to the door and closing it behind him, leaving the chatters of his fellow students inside the classroom.

It was lunch break. Eliam didn't particularly know where to go.

He could've gone with the guys who were trying to be friends with him but he really wasn't in the mood to even hang out with anyone as of the moment. He didn't feel hungry either. It seems like the breakfast he had earlier was still in his stomach.

Sighing, the young Eliam Schneider looked outside the windows of the halls and saw that it was a fairly nice day.

Not too hot and not too cold.

"Perfect," he whispered before turning his body to the corridor that led to the rooftop of the building.

Eliam's life, in particular, was just plain and boring. It wasn't glamorous nor was it detrimental.

Sure, he was the president of the student council but that was only because people liked his face and he was 'smart'. He was like a dry burger who looked tasty on the outside but was completely boring on the inside.

"Heh," he laughed at the comparison in his head. Burger. Hah.

Maybe, after all, he was hungry? He couldn't fathom the answer completely.

Is it the pressure of the time being lunch that he subconsciously thought of food? Why was he being philosophical all of a sudden?

Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, Eliam did not hesitate to go and climb it in quick steps.

Maybe he could take a nap in the rooftop since it wasn't too hot right now? The thought sounded incredible and he decided that that was the best course of action for lunch break.

Just him, himself, and Eliam.

However, when he reached the door that separated the rooftop and the inside of the building, Eliam saw that it was partially open. His gaze lingered on the ajar metal door before closing his eyes and sighing lowly.

Maybe some people got here before him? He tried listening to any noise outside but there was none.

Was it just the wind? That was probably it.

Normally, if people did get here first, Eliam would've heard laughter and a little bit of murmur from the outside because, aside from the introverted kids who kept to themselves, who would want to spend lunchtime alone in the rooftop?

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