Chapter 130 - Same Stars, Different Worlds

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A/N: The song for this chapter is "Peter" by Taylor Swift on the Tortured Poets Department. You can play it at the same time Silas plays it for a better reading experience. Enjoy! :>


As the two men got inside the headquarters, Silas paused to look around. The walls look nice as if they had just been repainted and decorations were hanging around like they were going to a party.

"What's the occasion?" He asked and turned to Perez who gave him a shrug.

"Didn't you read the notification on your status window?" Lysander retorted and Silas clicked his tongue before opening the said function.

Come to think of it, it was weird.

He had been traveling through three worlds already.

One where magic does not exist.

One where modernity does not exist.

And one where both existed at the same time.

The young king knew his mind could never fathom the depth of the universe and whatever lies within it but deep inside, he was excited.

For a lot of people, immortality might be a curse.

But that's if you only live in a single world and watch it grow and be destroyed over and over again.

That's not the case for him and Fenrir though.

Now that he can be considered a demigod once he restores his natural power as the Sovereign of Magic along with his newfound status as the Sovereign of Light, he can travel worlds... with the help of his man who's going to be the ruler of the underworld too.

Can he call himself that? A demigod? That's pretty bizarre even for the Sovereign of Magic who had not ruled the world for more than two years.

'I mean, if I can scare off the god of this world using the Sovereign of Darkness card then I guess I am?' He thought as the notification appeared on his status window.

[In celebration of completing the 97th and 98th Challenge, a feast has been prepared for the Hunters who survived in all districts, more especially for the hunters of District Twelve who gained the biggest contribution in the challenges. Enjoy and feast, Hunters!]

The notification said and the young king couldn't help but whistle in excitement.

Would there be a buffet prepared for them?

All he had been eating in this world were junk food and sodas. As much as he loved and missed eating those killer foods, any more of that and he might get kidney complications.

"Oh, a feast. Wow." His eyebrows were raised in amusement.

"Are you excited?"


"I see."

The two continued walking inside with Perez leading the way and Silas just following him aimlessly. The headquarters had many floors and rooms so he didn't bother memorizing which room was which.

The walk continued for another two minutes until they reached a certain room that he had never been in before. He could hear the faint music coming from inside and he turned to look at Perez who was just staring at the door.

"So? I can't party if you're just gonna stare at the door."


The latter opened the door and the faint music blared loudly in their ears. Silas even had to cover both of his ears because the loud party music surprised him a lot.

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