Chapter 32 - Hate

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"Haa..." He had his head hung low while gripping his sword tightly.


Gritting his teeth, Raphael clenched his hands more which caused immeasurable pain throughout his body.

He then turned his head to look at the man sitting on the throne.

Pier's leg was perched on top of the other and his elbows were resting on either side of the dark seat.

His fingers were interlaced and as the dark night's shadows cast over them, the only thing Raphael could make out was his frame... and glowing eyes.

It was cold; it was daunting.

The way his golden and cerulean eyes both emitted a shivering gleam made his heart quake for a moment.

It felt like he was standing in front of a god. A being who possesses divine judgment towards the mortals of the world.

Yet it also felt surreal with how ethereal he looked.

"I've slain them all, your majesty," he spoke but the man remained silent.

"I have accomplished your task of letting me show you my capabilities," he further added and this time, there was a response.


It was a scoff that Raphael did not expect.

It was amusing, to say the least. Pier watched the young duke with interest in his gaze. Despite Raphael's situation, it was making him feel giddy and excited for unknown reasons.

However, that wasn't all that he felt.

His lopsided grin was evidence of what he wanted to do right now.


A piece of the young duke's hand fell off and Raphael obviously flinched at it.

"Does it hurt?" Pier asked and Raphael nodded his head.

He was quite honest for someone whose memories and entire mind were changed by magic itself.

Many parts of the young duke's body were frozen after fighting all of the winter warriors Pier had procured from his magic. Starting from his fingers and creeping up into his arms, bits, and pieces of it were totally frozen and turned into ice.

And Raphael was losing some of those pieces as time passed by.

It was a repercussion for him fighting the warriors made out of ice that his body was slowly being frozen.

With a chuckle, the white-haired king stood up from his seat. His white hair swayed lightly along the evening winds that entered the now opened windows.

The small stream of moonlight cascading inside the room was their only source of light right now; some shone at the throne's steps where he made his way downwards.

Step... Step...

Raphael straightened his posture and returned his sword to its sheath in an efficient manner.

Step... Step...

He then had his gaze back onto the young king who was now halfway down the steps. He patiently waited.

There was only one purpose in his mind.

It was to prove himself worthy of something and he knew he had achieved the job of becoming someone important for Pier.

His purpose of becoming the king's pawn in his game.

"Sir Raphael, I have just turned into a sovereign for less than a month and I am still exploring the wonders of the new power I have acquired." The white-haired king's voice echoed throughout the entirety of the room.

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