Special Chapter (2)

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A/N: Continuation of the special chapter last time.


The sound of a car engine turning off in front of the enormous door was the only thing that could be heard in the seemingly desolate yet elegant place. The car door opened and the man stepped out. The guard immediately lowered his head in respect. "A pleasant evening, Senyor," the guard spoke in which he nodded his head in return.

Handing his keys to the person, he arranged his coat and heaved a small sigh. He then started to walk up the stairs which led to the aforementioned door.


"It's cold," Silas grumbled when the water from the shower hit and drenched his body. He shivered for a second but immediately got used to the temperature. There were quite a few things running through his mind right now but nothing serious was to be tended with...

Except for one thing.

'Did he kill that guy?' Silas hummed as he poured a generous amount of soap on his body and created a lather with the bathing sponge. He really did not want Fenrir to kill anyone right now because he just had a good time with Gideon at the bar.

He was just too intoxicated for a second that he lost his strength to resist the guy that tried to drag him out of the bar and drive him off to god knows where. "Good thing Gideon was there, he saved my ass," he closed his eyes as he squeezed the bottle of shampoo and a generous amount was released on his hand.

Silas did tell one of Fenrir's close confidants to stop the man from killing the guy though... His commands were followed, right? "But he does deserve to be beaten up. If I were sober enough back then I'd punch his face," he mumbled and even had a frown on his face to accompany the imaginary scene in his head about beating the guy up.

Drunk people could never give consent.

Someone whose thoughts were clouded and dazed is not suitable to make any sane judgments at a given time. "I even refused, didn't I?" He asked himself while shampooing his white hair.

"Yeah, he deserves to be beaten up but not killed." Once his thoughts were arranged, he stood under the shower once more and allowed the suds and lather all around his body to be washed away by the cascading water. His mind had now cleared up completely and his drunken state no longer existed.

Once he was done in the shower, Silas wore the white robe hanging on a rack just right beside the shower and tied the strips on his waist. "I have to apologize to him too," he shrugged his shoulders because he knew that already. That's the appropriate thing to do.

Fenrir had so many connections in the city that a single event that happened to Silas would be reported to the former within a single minute. "I promised I wouldn't do anything reckless. Ugh." Rolling his eyes, Silas stepped out of the bathroom while drying his hair with a towel that was hanging with his robe earlier.

However, he instantly halted his steps when he saw that the room was dimly lit by the candles standing above the table beside their bed. The window that led to the balcony was open and chilly midnight air freely whisked inside like ghosts.

Someone was leaning over the railings of the balcony with one of his arms while another held a material that produced a noticeable amount of ascending smoke. The police uniform he had earlier was now gone but instead, he now wore an all-black attire starting with his shirt underneath and a black trench coat on top that swayed along with the wind.

Silas was astonished for a second while looking at the back of the man's head.

Once he was out of the slight trance, Silas walked towards the bed and laid the towel he used for drying his hair there. His head turned to the side and noticed the keys which weren't previously there earlier.

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