Chapter 88 - Arrival

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"My love, wake up." Silas stirred in his sleep when he felt cold fingers grazing through his cheek. He slowly opened his eyes but squinted them back again when he acknowledged it was too bright. Not long enough, he heard the voice that called him earlier chuckle. "My love, wake up," the voice called again making the young king groan before turning on his side and burying his face on the soft fabric despite what seems to be like hard rocks beneath it.

'Hard rocks?' He asked in his mind before taking a whiff again and recognizing the scent immediately.

His eyes abruptly opened and looked up where he found Ciaran grinning at him like an idiot.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm..." he mumbled while enjoying the feeling of the hard-rock muscles his lover possessed under the clothes. There wasn't wrong feeling how muscle-y your lover is, right?

"Sorry I woke you up but you need to eat." Ciaran continued to caress Silas' cheek.

"How long did I sleep?" the young king asked in a muffled voice.

"Two days."

Instantly, he was pulled out of his sneaky actions and he tried standing upright but the moment he did so, his head started complaining. "Ow..." he grimaced because it was painful. Not just that, his entire body felt like it was completely broken.

"W-What happened?" He asked Ciaran as to why he was feeling that way but the response he got wasn't what he expected. Ciaran cleared his throat and he looked out the window with cheeks hinting a light shade of red.

"I'm sorry."

"Fenrir... What happened?" Silas insisted and it took Ciaran a few seconds before turning his gaze back to the young king with this time, a fully blushing face and an embarrassed look. "Well..."

"Well what? Did something go wrong during my magic compression?" Silas asked and he looked left and right as if he could find the answer to his question. That's when he realized that they were in a moving vehicle – a carriage to be specific. That's why there was too much sunlight when he woke up earlier.

"No, nothing went wrong with it. It was successful."

"Oh... I guess taking out too much magic from my body took a toll on it that's why I'm in pain," he concluded and closed his eyes before manifesting his healing magic and casting it on himself. Indeed, it was weaker.

His current magic power was too low compared to when he became a sovereign. Unlike the instant relief he feels when he uses healing magic, it took him a good ten seconds before it restored his body's perfect condition. The soothing relief he felt from the restoration was immaculate-

"No, that's not the reason your body is aching," Ciaran admitted and his lips downturned as if he was guilty of something. Silas looked at him with a raised eyebrow demanding him to explain more.

"After the compression... You... uh..."

"I what?"

"You insisted on having sex with me..." Ciaran blushed again despite his efforts to look pitiable.

"Oh..." Stunned, the young king guessed that's why his body was in pain but it did not stop there.

"And you kept on asking me to cum inside you. I'm sorry. I tried taking it out but you would get mad when I took it out and didn't breed you as you wished." At this point, Silas' eyes were as wide as saucer plates and he was utterly speechless with what he just heard.


"B-Breed?" He whispered.

He never imagined himself saying such vulgar word and requesting Ciaran to do that to him in a million years!

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