Chapter 61 - Once More

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"Wow..." The Dragon Prince's mouth was partially open and his eyes were as wide as saucer plates while looking at the majestic sight before them.

He could not take his eyes off of his dad who was riding a creature he had never seen before. "A water horse..." he mumbled as his hands twitched in wanting to touch the beautiful creature.

Silas was approaching the ship they sailed in and even the people of magic were left speechless. How could they even speak when they knew the deadly currents that could destroy their king's shadows in an instant were still there yet their other king was riding on the horse and walking towards them as if it did not bother him at all?

It was a sight to behold.

"I knew it. King Pier would resolve this!" One vampire commented and they all started to whisper with each other.

Even Ciaran could not take his gaze from the man who smiled so gently while caressing the horse's head.

'Is this what he was looking for all this time?' He thought as his eyes shifted towards his finger that had been cut by the deadly current.

He couldn't forget how powerful the waters were when he touched it.

'Silas had this creature before?' He then looked back and saw that the young king was now near the ship.

"Your majesty! Are you alright?!"

"Your majesty! Are you hurt somewhere?"

"Immediately assist his majesty into the ship!"

The people of magic scrambled on their feet in a hurry to accommodate the king.

"My people, I am in no need of help." Silas smiled at them and they all paused as they observed Silas' face.

Indeed, there were no signs of him being hurt anywhere and even his face was just as pristine as ever. There were even no signs of his hair or clothes getting wet.

They then looked at the creature that was staring back at them.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my friend," Silas introduced and in an instant, they all lowered their heads in respect to the 'creature' their king had termed as his friend.

"Her name is Snow and she was my horse when I still lived in Taron," he added and they all nodded their heads with a simultaneous, "We greet her esteemed presence, Lady Snow!"

Even though the white-haired king had clearly stated she was his horse back in Taron, they all knew they still have to lower their heads and give her respect because Silas had coined her as a friend.

Ciaran offered his hand out when the two reached the side of the boat and Silas grabbed the Vampire King's hand before hopping off of Snow's back and landing on the deck. "My love, you had me worried for a second there," he commented and Silas giggled before embracing Ciaran and nudging his nose in the vampire's clothes.

"Sorry. It had been so long since I last saw her... I missed Snow so much..."

"I understand."

Ciaran turned to look at the creature who was observing them as well.

'Divine beast...' The voice that spoke in his mind earlier resonated so many times that he couldn't forget it. He couldn't fathom what this creature could do but he knew it was powerful.

"My love..." He called and Silas looked up.

"Is this a spell of yours?" The white-haired king simply shrugged his shoulders. "I think so?"

"You think so?"

"Yeah. Snow has decisions of her own but at the same time, I can summon her whenever I want."

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