Chapter 120 - Switching Worlds (2)

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"Hmm... Dora, Dora, Dora, the Explorer!" The white-haired man sang in a humming manner as he made his way to the first building that caught his interest.

A convenience store.

Despite the skies being wrapped in an ominous gray sheet and the constant rumbling of thunder on the distant horizon, he was more focused on the store. Once he reached it, he stood in front of the double doors and looked inside.

It was empty, with no signs of human life but he could see that the lights were on and even the faint sound of the air condition that wouldn't be picked up by normal human hearing. He looked at the sign of the store and tilted his head slightly in curiosity.

There's something wrong.

He is in the modern world he used to live in back then but there's something different about it. Silas looked at his hands and as he opened his palms, a wind sphere appeared on his left palm and an ice sphere appeared on his right palm.

He can still use his magic.

But deciding he would pay attention to that later on, he instead opened the doors of the convenience store and got inside. The cold atmosphere inside reminded him of the times he used to stop by convenience stores too when he was living as Eliam.

It was nostalgic.

Whistling the kid's show theme song again, he made his way around the little aisles where some food was placed.

Silas' eyes widened when he saw some chips in family-sized packs. He immediately felt his mouth water and his throat gulping as he thought about eating them.

The young king's mind forgot that the food he had been eating back in the world of magic every day equates to the food only the elites of the elite here can consume on a certain basis when he saw the pack of chips.

Not just that, his eyes wandered to the far side corner of the store and they widened even more when he spotted the rows of unhealthy drinks in a refrigerator. He mindlessly grabbed two packs of the chips and headed to the sodas where he subconsciously smiled because all of a sudden, all he could think of were these combinations.

"Waaah..." he gleamed like a child as he embraced the twin food like it was his whole world.

After picking up a few more things like gum, menthol candies, and a few more of the soda and chips, putting them all in a basket, Silas went to the counter and searched for the pocket of his coat. He brought out a tiny diamond, as big as a grain of rice, and placed it near the cash register.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, I don't have modern-world money," he apologized before bowing like an idiot and even packing his own food in a plastic bag.

He was about to head out of the store when he stopped in front of the double doors and whispered.

"Fuck..." Silas murmured as he dropped the bag and quickly brought out one bag of chips and one soda can.

The can made a fizzing sound as he flipped the opening.

The watering of his mouth doubled as he brought the can to his lips with trembling hands. Once the cold can made contact with his lips, he slowly drank the contents and his entire body shivered.

"Oh wow..." he whispered once he had enough to quench his cravings and looked at it.

No one knew but his guilty pleasure when he still lived as Eliam before was drinking soda and eating chips. When he got better freedom and more money to spend, he stacked his room with unhealthy choice of snack and would munch on it every night.

Now he got a taste of it again.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Satisfied with the soda, he turned to the pack of chips and opened it. The smell of roasted potatoes met his ears and he swore he went to heaven.

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