Chapter 97 - Assassin

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The wooden steps of the stairs creaked as the vampire king made his way to the second floor where he can feel Silas' presence. The basket in his hand that contained food swayed back and forth as his movements were quite loose.

He wobbled back and forth as his mind was hazy.

"My love..." He whispered as he reached the final step and the first thing that met his eyes was the wonderful interior of the building. It was quite cozy for a two-story building as there was a shelf full of books on the corner and on another side was a fireplace that had a small fire going on just enough to warm the insides of the room since it was near fall.

His eyes then shifted to the main purpose of his arrival in the building.

A smile made its way on his face when he saw Silas wearing a white robe and sitting on a gray linen armchair that looked comfortable as the young king had one leg on top of the other and a book in his hand. The man's eyes were fixated on what he was reading and it made the vampire chuckle.

"My love," he called again louder but to his disappointment, Silas' eyes did not depart from the pages embroidered with ink. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips downturned. "My love..." Ciaran attempted again and this time, he walked towards the young king with the basket in his hand.

He wanted to share the food he bought with Silas.

When he reached the young king, Ciaran stood beside the couch where Silas was sitting. He silently observed his lover. The mediocre flames from the fireplace cackled as it burned the wood fed on it and as the flames swayed back and forth, it also illuminated Silas' face in different portions.

An entire minute passed by and Ciaran was still watching his lover read. Or was he?

"My love... the pages aren't moving," he mumbled and that's when Silas realized it too. His eyes widened for a second before he closed the material in his hand that produced a thumping sound. He turned to look at his side and to his surprise, he saw the vampire king standing there looking at him in a daze.

"Fenrir," he smiled. He was expecting for the vampire to return the greeting and smile as well but his expectations were wrong. Instead, Ciaran looked directly into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ciaran asked.

Even though his mind was clouded with thoughts and foggy because of his hunger, he still understood that small event that happened.

Silas was just staring at the book and wasn't reading it at all. It may be a simple action that no one has to be worried about but Ciaran knew better.

Even when he was standing there, Silas did not notice him at all until a full minute of him staring mindlessly at the page had passed.

That never happened before.

Silas had never been so immersed in his own thoughts that nothing else got him out of it.

It was a new scene for Ciaran and he was worried by it.

There had to be something that greatly affected the young king for him to act that way.

"I..." Silas started but soon paused when he thought of what he should say. Instead, he smiled and sighed. "I don't really know what to say. Why don't I tell you while we eat?" He beckoned and eyed the basket Ciaran was holding. Ciaran, too, must've forgotten the basket since he flinched and looked at the object.

"Yeah..." He smiled.

Silas stood up from sitting and he walked over to Ciaran as he wanted to just hold Fenrir for the moment. His emotions were mixing and he did not like it.

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