Chapter 126 - King of Hell

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"How are the blueprints for the new buildings going?" Chray asked as he was sorting through a stack of papers in his room in the castle and in front of him were two other people who together with him were on the top ranks of the People of Magic and were considered as the Advisors of the Kings.

One was a woman named Lily. She was one of the warriors back at the rampage of the Mir Mountains and was a great strategist who aided in King Silas' plan to subjugate the red stone on the fifth mountain.

When the white-haired king rose to his position as the Sovereign of Magic, she was given the gift of foresight. Depending on the mana she allots on the spell, she can see into the future but it doesn't grant foresight for more than three days as it can be the reason for her demise as three days is the limit of what her mana can provide.

"They're almost done. The rest are being reviewed by the builders," Lily responded as she was sitting on a sofa with a cup of tea in one hand and an open book on her lap.

"Lily, do you even have the time to slack off like that?" Chray asked without looking at her and instead continuing to sort through the files.

"She's always slacking off because she knows she doesn't have any work later," the third person with them chimed in and Lily rolled her eyes at the man.

"I'm just punctual with my work that's why I finish early," the woman spat back.

"If you say so," Michael, ranked second just to Chray in the Kings' Advisors shrugged his shoulders as he, too, was just reading a book as well.

He was one of the scouts together with Chray during the rampage that searched through the skies.

He is also one of the most blessed individuals by the young king during his ascendance. Michael was given the Wings of Darkness. It is a spell that when activated, manifests two black wings on his back which allows him to use a small portion of the darkness' power.

Similar to the dragon-taming swordmaster, Gideon Woodlock, who is the right hand of King Silas, he rose to the position of King Ciaran's right hand.

And just like Gideon too, his purpose wasn't mainly to give advice to the kings but rather a sword and shield for the Vampire King.

The two right hands are undefeatable war weapons.

"You're both slacking off," Chray sighed as he finally settled down. He closed his eyes as he could feel something in his head but he couldn't identify it yet.

"When do you think can we see King Silas again?" Lily asked as she crossed her legs and drank from the teacup she held. The book she was reading was the latest volume of the series one of the People of Magic who was given the gift of hands to which every craft he makes with his hands would turn out to be a masterpiece.

Lily and Michael were reading the same book.

"It's not far from now. His Majesty has been gone for quite a while-" Chray muttered but he was cut off.

"Shouldn't we get King Silas back from that Human Kingdom?" Michael asked and both Lily and Chray looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"For what reason?" Chray inquired and not a second passed after he said that, black magic circles appeared on each of their feet and as another second passed by, they found themselves standing before the throne of darkness.

"For this reason," Michael sweatdropped as he closed the book and hid it behind his back. Lily followed suit and Chray gulped in nervousness when he saw the man sitting on the black throne.

"Did I interrupt everyone's leisure time?" Ciaran Fenrir asked and everyone shook their heads.

"You did not and you never will, your majesty," Lily answered and Michael added. "We are always available, your majesty."

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