Bullies. 🌪⚡️

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dear my IRL friend if you're reading this please kindly fuck off<3

Intense bullying
Suicidal thoughts
Self harm

There he was again. Staying behind after school to scrub his desk clean, he had already finished up with cleaning his locker. People had once again spray painted things onto Zanders desk and locker.

'Kill yourself' 'F@G' 'Freak' 'Fatherless' 'Sissy' 'Kys before I do it for u<3'

These things were written on Zanders belongings every. Single. Day.

Nobody did anything about it. Everyone watched it happen. Whenever someone was rude or mean to Hailey Zander would stick up for her. Hell he would punch those fuckers all the way down to hell. However, whenever Hailey saw people bully Zander, she doesn't do or say anything. When she sees what happens to Zanders lockers and desks, she just looks at Zander then walks away.

Nobody seemed to consider his feelings. Nobody.

The more he thought these things the more aggressive his scrubbing got. He couldn't help it. He was on the verge of tears and if he didn't scrub aggressively he would break down.

"Where the hell is Zander! He's late for our first ever after school practice!" "Give him time he's probably cleaning" Hailey said scrolling through her phone. "Cleaning what?" Millie continued. "Probably paint on his locker and desk" she shrugged. "Why would there be paint on his locker and desk?" Sean continued Millie's question. "Eh it happens often people write some nasty comments with spray paint"


"How the hell can you say that so casually!?" Millie yelled.

"Woah- Calm down! It's not like they affect him, I doubt he cares."

"Hailey have you even asked if h-" Millie was cut off by Luke "What do the messages say?"

"They call him slurs, tell him to kill himself, says if he doesn't khs they'll do it for him and they call him a whore and shit along those lines"

"... and you don't do anything about it...?" Sean asked.

Ok now Hailey was confused, had she done something wrong? Zander wouldn't care if people wrote those things?

"He's probably fine"


"... I'm gonna go find him." Luke had said standing up. He then walked out slamming the door behind him.

Now Zander had stopped scrubbing and was starin at a message which read 'Kys f—' and hell, he was considering it. As bad as that was to admit why the fuck was he still here just for the same shit to happen everyday? Throughout the past few years only ONE thing had gone his damn way and that was Luke liking him back. Everything else in his life was in shambles. And he was in tears. Where had he gone wrong? Zander adored his Piano but he wondered, if he didn't adore it so much would he still be getting bullied?  I mean hell what was the point anymore? If all he had in life was a boy and a piano that ruined his life then he might as well go.

Tears were building up in his eyes as he stared down at the message on his desk. It was only two words. But the two words hit him like a truck.


He couldn't take it. He began furiously searching through his bag and he pulled out a basic unused sharpener. He used his nails to unscrew the sharpener and he took the blade out. He rolled up his trousers and with shakes hands moved the blade to gently rest atop his leg. He sucked in a deep breath and then... slice the cut was decently deep and was overall a clean cut. He admired the way the blood ever so slowly came out of the cut. When he wiped the blood away more just kept coming. More. He needed more. Slice slice slice slice slice. He kept going. There was no time for breaks, no time to admire his bloody art work. He just kept going.

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