HER figure💔🎀🌪💕

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REQUESTED 😱😱😱😱 This is much different from 'His figure'

Alexandria(She prefers to be called Zandria) and Lucinda had been dating for a few months now. They were total opposites, not only in personality but in looks aswell. Zandria had VERY long  hair, while Lucinda had shorter but wavy hair.

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Zandria preferred wearing skirts and dresses while Lucinda enjoyed T-shirts, shorts, leggings and tank tops

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Zandria preferred wearing skirts and dresses while Lucinda enjoyed T-shirts, shorts, leggings and tank tops.

Lucinda was unite toned, she had abs, and slightly muscular arms and legs. (STRONG WOMEN SUPREMACY ANYONE!?)

Zandria was rather slim. She did not have abs, she.... ISNT the strongest.. not very athletic. But somehow very flexible.

Unfortunately, Lucinda had managed to rope Zandria into joining the class playing volleyball. Zandria wasn't enjoying it. At all. However, if it made Lucinda happy, then it was a small sacrifice.

"Yo bro, while we're talking about girls can we talk about her? Zandria?" Said a male pointing to Zandria. She noticed but chose to listen in.

"Oh yeah of course. She's like, cute anyways."

'Ha get fucked, I'm lesbian' Zandria thought to herself.

"Her waist is very slim. Her tits are big, and her ass is big"

A/N the amount of discomfort I felt writing that line. ⚠️DO NOT PORTRAY WOMEN IN THIS WAY!! THE CANNOT CONTROL HOW CURVY THEIR BODY IS⚠️

'...huh...?' She had been catcalled before, she'd been complimented and flirted with. But nothing like that. She moved her hands in to hug herself, trying to hide her chest. She felt embarrassed.

"Isn't she like dating a girl though? Man unfortunate. All the sexy ones are always lesbian." He rolled his eyes.

"Nah we can make her straight."

She had heard enough. She ran off the game and sat down on her usual bench. She felt like she couldn't sit properly anymore. She felt too exposed. She moved her knees up onto the bench to cover her chest, however she was wearing shorts. And now she felt like her thighs were exposed. She frantically looked around. She found Lucindas jacket! She scrambled over to grab it and wasted no time putting it on. It smelled like Lucinda. It was comforting. She snuggled into it as she watched the rest of the game.

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