Bullies pt 2🌧🌪💔💕

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Sit tight and buckle up this is gonna be one hell of a story

Self harm
Suicide attempts

It'd been a few days since the incident and Zander had been fine. Luke had been checking up on him recently (much to his dismay yet luck) He couldn't tell if he liked it or not, because cmon, he's spending time with his boyfriend.

Zander opened the door to the music room, everyone had free period aside from Luke, Zander only intended to stay for a bit before going to watch Luke in PE. However when he walked in, the atmosphere was awkward. Incredibly awkward.

"The fuck- Did someone sleep with a teacher or something-?"

"Wha- No-" Millie replied, not her usual boisterous self Zander quickly noted.

"So the fuck is up with yall? You all look like you watched someone smash your teacher-"

"...Why di you keel going back to the teacher topic-?"

"Never mind that, just tell me, WHATS up?"

"Have you not seen the school blog?"

"I don't check that shit."

"You probaly should- Yeah bye-" Hailey speedwalked out. "Damn- Bye-?"

"..Me and Sean also gotta go-" Millie grabbed Sean's arm and also walked out.

"Tell me you're avoiding me without telling me you're avoiding me, challenge impossible." Zander muttered as he rolled his eyes. He got out his phone and tried searching up the schools blog on Google, but naturally, all schools have the shittiest WiFi known to man so he had to turn of the WiFi and use his data instead.

When the page finally decided to load, he felt like he'd been hit by a truck (reference). Someone had posted some pictures on the blog.

 Someone had posted some pictures on the blog

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(Oh mamma Mia lazy ass drawings😍✊)

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(Oh mamma Mia lazy ass drawings😍✊)

The comments all said shit like

'Lmao he took my advice thank the lord'
'Emo lol'
'Over dramatic asf'
'Lol what a freak lmao'
'Too many that it cant even be read as a barcode'
'The way id beat the shit outta him'
'Aint he 16? Still whining like a baby😭✊'
'Bro wonders why he gets bullied'
'Its always the homosexuals that are mentally ill'
'Someone put child locks on all his belongings'
'Attention Whore~! (Just like me)'
'He wants clout'

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