Murder (we kille off bethany)🫀💔

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My child on discord requested this- So enjoy😄

Finally, school was out. Zander and Hailey were walking out of the gates of the school.

"Alexanderrrrr~! Guess who's turn it is to pick up Bethy!"

"One, do not call me that, like ever. And two, yes yes, I know it's my turn you slag."

"Get to it then! Bye! Love you!"

"Go fuck yourself." He flipped her off and just like that, they split ways.

He walked down the street with his bag hoisted over one of his shoulders and was scrolling through his phone. He would arrive in a few minutes.

Once he arrived, he stood in the playground with his hands in his pockets and waited, he saw many children run out the school and into the arms of their parents, some of the older kids forming groups with their friends to start their way home. Bethany didn't come out. After around ten minutes of waiting he just sighed and walked over to Bethany's teacher who was standing with two other kids who's parents seemed to be running late.

"Oh-! Alexander!" The teacher recognised. "What brings you here?" She tilted her head.

"Ah- Im here to pick up Bethany, did she lose her coat again?" Bethany had a tendency of losing her coat, it often took her a while to find.

"..Bethany already left- Your fathers friend came to pick her up!" The teacher smiled. "Oh- Did he-? But I was told to come pick her up today-?"

"Perhaps give your father a call, he may of forgotten to tell you."

Zander just nodded and texted Michael


Hey Alex, everything ok?

Did u get one of ur friends to pick up Bethy?

No why?

Zander just froze in place. He hadn't sent a friend to get her-? Did that mean she just went off with some random guy!?

"Ma'am- My father did not send anyone to pick up Bethany-" His thoughts were going at 120mph. Why had the teacher just let her go!?

"Oh- ..I'm so sorry! UHM- Um-" She thought aloud in a panic. "I'll go call the police and inform the head teacher! I am so sorry Alexander!" And with that she ran off, leaving Zander with the two children.

"Are you Bethany's big brother?" One of them had curiously asked.

"Ah- I am-"

"Oh! You're the grumpy one!" The other child said.

"I guess-?" He did not have the energy to speak to these kids. He just had to know if Bethany was safe. He then proceeded to text Michael back.

The fucking teacher let her go off with some random guy, teacher is calling the police rn

R u fucking kidding me?

Hold on Alex we're coming don't panic.

He was panicking. Beyond panicking. He was pacing back and forth with his phone clutched to his chest. If he'd walked just a little faster maybe he would've been there to pick her up-

The principal and the Teacher both came out and started apologising endlessly.

"I don't care about your apologies- Why the fuck would you let her go with someone who you didn't recognise!? Surely theres some sort of protocol to call the child's parent if you see an unfamiliar face-!? Did anyone call in to tell you that a family friend was picking her up today!? No, I don't fucking think they did! So why, why the fuck would you let her go with no questions asked!? She's seven! She's obviously not going to be able to tell on her own if something seems sketchy! She's supposed to trust you guys, and you guys are supposed to keep her safe when her family isn't around! Are you guys fucking stupid or what!? Now nobody knows where she is or if she's unharmed!" He yelled, I mean Cmon, those asshats were irresponsible.

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