Sick and Cell Cuddles (Gender Neutral Reader)

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I was reading my book while waiting for breakfast. Y/n always brings my meals. They are one of the only ones on Asgard that I don't hate. Besides Frigga of course. I heard footsteps and look up from my book with a smile. I was expecting y/n but instead got ugh, Jane. 

"Well, someone slept on the wrong side of the bed" said Jane as she entered the cell. 

I just gave her a death glare. I was promised y/n. Why did I get Thor's little girlfriend instead? 

"I thought the allfather didn't allow humans on Asgard" I said. 

Jane set the tray of food on the table. 

"Ya well your brother turned me into the goddess of thunder. By accident, and you can drop the death stare" said Jane as she looked at me. 

I frowned even more. When Thor turns his girlfriend it's okay by Odin but when I did the same thing with y/n they were put in the dungeon for 40 human years. Then Odin agreed to let them out of the dungeon if they are a servant to the royal family but y/n doesn't get paid and still has their room in a cell down here. To be honest I did have y/n come to my room a few times and serve me. But I always returned the favor and served them a white cold liquid. Best kind of popsicle. 

"Get out and never let me catch you trying to take y/n's place again" I said standing up. 

I created a knife and pointed it at Jane. 

"Or you'll see just how painful a dagger can be. Even as a goddess" I said. 

Jane crossed her arms. 

"You know that you can't scare me" said Jane. 

"Don't think you're so special. If you don't leave now then I'll pay you and your little Thor a visit in your sleep and cut your throat" I spat. 

"Fine, but if you keep being rude to everyone then y/n won't like you" said Jane. 

She left the cell and the dungeon. I stared at the food. There wasn't the usual little note. Y/n always left little notes like "have a good day" or "play well with the other prisoners during recesses". I love those little notes. I created a illusion of myself and made it look as if I was dead on the floor. I turned invisible and waited for the guards. 

"Is he dead" asked a guard. 

"I hope not, Odin would then kill us if Loki dies" said a guard. 

They took down the barrier and entered the cell. I slipped out and the illusion vanished. 

"It was fake" said the first guard. 

"Oh we are so fired" said the second. 

"It's only our first day and we are going to die" said the first. 

I laughed a little. Guess the guards learned to never have the new ones work without being babysat by the older guards. I first went to y/n's cell expecting it to be empty or all boxed up. Instead it looks the same as always. I entered and looked around. Y/n isn't here. 

"LOKI" a guard yelled as alarms went off. 

I left the dungeons and went to find y/n. I ran into a guard and made myself visible again. I enchanted the guard and had him lead me to y/n. The guard took me to the hospital. I ran in and looked for y/n. They were asleep on a bed in a patient room. 

"Loki return to your cell" said Thor as he entered the room. 

I chuckled and turned around to see Thor. 

"Guess you would know I would come here" I said. 

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